Chapter Eleven: A New Family

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The morning of (Y/N)'s 18th birthday arrived, and Tony Stark and Doctor Strange had a special surprise planned. They led her to a small room in Tony's headquarters that had been transformed into a makeshift tattoo parlor. (Y/N)'s eyes widened with excitement as she realized what was about to happen.

"I thought of a way to cover up the bite mark on your arm," Tony said with a mischievous grin. "You won't have to worry about hiding it anymore."

Doctor Strange nodded in agreement. "We want you to feel confident and proud of who you are, (Y/N)."

(Y/N) couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. For years, she had felt like an outsider, struggling to survive in the harsh world of the post-apocalypse. But now, with Tony Stark and Doctor Strange by her side, she finally felt like she had a family.

She sat down in the chair, and Tony got to work, carefully designing a tattoo that would cover the bite mark on her arm. The process was painful, but (Y/N) gritted her teeth and endured it, knowing that the end result would be worth it.

As the tattoo took shape, Tony and Doctor Strange shared stories and jokes, trying to distract (Y/N) from the discomfort. They talked about their own experiences and shared their hopes for the future. (Y/N) felt a warmth in her heart as she listened to them, realizing how fortunate she was to have them in her life.

Finally, the tattoo was done, and (Y/N) looked down at her arm in awe. The intricate design covered the bite mark completely, turning it into a beautiful work of art. She couldn't help but smile, feeling a renewed sense of confidence and self-acceptance.

"Happy birthday, kiddo," Tony said, ruffling (Y/N)'s hair affectionately. "You're officially part of the Stark family now."

Doctor Strange nodded, his eyes filled with pride. "And part of my family as well."

Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she looked at them. "Thank you, dads," she said softly. "I've never had a family before, and I'm so grateful to have you both in my life."

Tony and Doctor Strange exchanged a glance, their hearts swelling with love for the young girl they had taken under their wings. They knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they were determined to protect and care for (Y/N) as if she were their own.

From that day on, (Y/N) embraced her new family with open arms. She called Tony Stark and Doctor Strange her dads, and they continued to guide and support her through the challenges of the post-apocalyptic world. With their love and care, (Y/N) found a sense of belonging and purpose, and she faced each day with renewed strength and determination.

Together, they navigated the dangers of the apocalypse, but they also found moments of joy, laughter, and love. As they faced each challenge together, (Y/N) knew that she was no longer alone. She had found a new family in Tony Stark and Doctor Strange, and she was determined to cherish and protect the bond they had formed, no matter what the future held.

And so, their journey continued, with (Y/N) proudly wearing her tattoo as a symbol of her newfound family, and Tony Stark and Doctor Strange standing by her side as her loving and caring fathers in this new world they called home.

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