That night

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That night Yn sat in his room, on his new bed, looking up at the ceiling. His thoughts swirled around in his his head unchecked and unrestricted.

Yn: Who coulda imagined this is how my journey woulda turned out? It's crazy really.... I mean Jess and Lia? Jane? Seeing them again? Even Ann, the woman who saved my fuckin life! All of them are here. With a lot of others. And now I'm here too. Damn... I used to have such a massive crush on Jane. Still do to be completely honest to myself.... She's still gorgeous. I never got to tell her how I felt before I left......

The young man gave a heavy sigh at that last thought in his mind. Jane had been his first true friend when he was younger. He was always really shy so he had a harder time trying to talk to others, but he never had to approach Jane. She came to him. She walked right up to him and shook his hand to his bewilderment. Ever since that day, he had only ever been able to look at her in wonder. He started developing his little child crush after a few months. That's how long it took.

Yn: Where did the time go....?

???: Good question...

Yn: What do you want?

???: No need to be so cold towards yourself.

Yn: You're not me. And I'll never be you.

???: You can't run away from me. I'm a part of you. I might very well be the real you. You can't run from who you really are. A monster. A killer.

Yn: Well looks like I'm in the right place then, right? That just so happens to describe quite a few of this mansion's residents.

???: You are a different breed. We are different. WE ARE A TRUE MONSTER! ONE THAT WILL REIGN DEATH AND FEAR IN EVERY BEING ALIVE!

The voice's sudden increase in volume shoots pain through Yn's skull. He clutches his head in agony as he falls off the bed.


Yn: SHUT UP!!!

Yn shouts at the top of his lungs. The voice now goes silent. As it had started, it had ended. With no trace. The sound of several doors bursting open can be heard and soon Yn's own door is slammed open. When he looks up he sees at least five women. Jess at the lead looking concerned. Jane behind her with a similar look. Lia right next to Jess since they share a room. Benny was next to Jane. Behind all of them stood the lady of the house, Slenda, herself. They had all clearly been getting ready, if not already, to sleep. Jess was in black shorts and a crop top white t-shirt. Lia was in a baggy grey hoodie and green leggings. Jane had on a black lace nightgown. Benny was in a green onesie that looked at least slightly tight on her. Slenda herself was in a long black bath robe. Her hair was wet. She had heard him from her shower.

Jess: Yn? Are you ok?

Jane: We heard you shout... Is everything alright?

Benny: I heard you hit the floor dude.... You didn't hit your head did ya?

Lia: What's wrong?

They all spoke one after another barely giving any room for response on Yn's part. He took a second to register what he was asked and answered slowly. His voice was soft as he now realized he was out of breath and breathing hard.

Yn: Y-Yeah... I-I'm ok.... J-Just.. I-I just....

He was now realizing he was having trouble thinking of an excuse. The women in front of him start staring hard at him.

Yn: Rough first night......?

Slenda looks at the girls and they look at her before they all hesitantly start heading back to their rooms. She walks forward and closes the door behind her. Once she's in front of him her hair tentacle things gently pick Yn up of the floor and place him on the bed as she takes a seat next to him.

Slenda: Tell me what's wrong child.... And don't try to lie to me. I can tell when you're being dishonest. Call it a maternal instinct. Or I can just simply read your mind and find out what I want to know. I don't like probing minds but if your safety is in question I will do it.

Yn looks at her and gives a heavy sigh. He looks away from her and starts fidgeting with his hands. A habit he picked up to deal with light anxiety or just nervousness in general. Yn didn't want to but Slenda should know. Her soothing voice made the decision easier as well.

Yn: Sometimes.... "It" talks to me... Tells me things... Th-Things I don't like... Things that scare me.... It was talking to me again....

Slenda places a gentle hand on his head looking down at him. As she did so her tendrils pulled him closer to her, at least till his shoulder touched her side.

Slenda: Does "It" scare you?

Yn looked up at her and back down again, taking time to ponder that question.

Yn: Does that bastard scare me?

He thinks back to all the times he's remembered his alternate face come out. When it hurt people. When it almost hurt the people he loved.

Yn: I-I'm.... I'm not afraid of it.... I'm afraid what it will make me do.... The people I'll hurt... I-I.... I don't want to hurt the people I care about....

Slenda turns to him, leans forward, and pulls Yn into a hug. Pulling his head into the space just under her chin and resting it just on top of his head she wraps her arms and a few tendrils around Yn comfortingly.

Slenda: As long as I'm around child, I won't let that happen. The girls you've met care too much about you. And while it's strange to admit.... I've grown fond of you quite quickly. I protect my proxies. My residents. My children. Every single one of is like one of my own in a way. When you're in pain it pains me. When you're crestfallen my heart is filled with woe. When you're enraged I feel your fury. When I take in lost souls I make a promise.

Yn looks up at her, jaw slightly agape. The words she wove while she attempted to comfort him left him speechless.

Slenda: That promise... Is that I will protect, care for, and value every single one of you with all my black demon heart.

His face couldn't help but to form a soft smile. Slenda pulled back and cupped his face in her rather large hands. She looked at his face for a couple moments before pressing where her mouth would be against his forehead. Immediately a warm feeling washed over him as her soft, cold skin touched his. He smiles up at her warmly.

Yn: Thank you.... For everything Slenda.... Thank you so much.....

She hugs him one last time holding his head against her rather large chest for mere moments enough for Yn to register said fact and register how soft it was. It was gone quickly before she stood up and walked to the door.

Slenda: Good night Yn. Sweet dreams my child.

Yn: Good night Slenda.

She leaves the room closing the door behind her. Yn smiles to himself and decides to turn in for the night.

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