Final introductions and initiation

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Yn now had two final members to meet in the household once Ann finished gushing over him, and Yn finished calming down after being told the doctors he already hated killed the person who saved him. Yn looks at a girl with bright orange goggles.

Goggles: H-Hi I-I'm Tami! Nice t-to me-meet you!

Yn nods and smiles at her. She seems like the overly energetic hyper active type. It was cute. And last but not least. A dog. A big red demon dog... It was cute to be fair.

Sally: That's our doggy Smilie!

Yn: He looks cute.

Yn bends down and offers his hand. Smilie sniffed it and then put his head against it letting Yn pet him. It was too wholesome for what it was.

Yn: I like the devil dog.

Named devil dog barks joyfully. His tail wags as he nuzzles into Yn's torso. He was a big dog. Slenda and the girls can't seem to take their eyes off what is probably the most wholesome thing they've seen in forever. A young man hugging a little girl and petting a big goofy dog. A lot of the girls couldn't help but blush. And most doubts they may have had were gone. Yn would fit in well here. Of course Jess, Jane, and Lia weren't surprised. They knew Yn loved animals and was great with kids. He never usually had had a negative aura about him. It was always warm and welcoming. If only they knew....

Yn: Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Yes it's you!

Yn loved animals. He always wanted a pet dog. This was a welcome change. He rubbed Smilie's head and scratched behind his ears. Smilie eating it up. Slenda clears her throat slightly making everyone look at her.

Slenda: Well now that introductions are out of the way... Yn. There's one thing that I require of you. You need to prove yourself. An initiation if you will.

Yn: Initiation? Like what? Some sort of challenge?

Slenda: Correct. You will face one of these women in combat to judge your capabilities. We need to know what you can do.

Yn: I guess you already have one in mind already?

Slenda: Yes. Rogue. My best. My most loyal. My best judge.

Rogue stood up and rolled up her sleeves. She has scars just like Yn's. He flinched seeing them reminding him of his own. Jess immediately jumped up in panic. Lia and Jane as well.

Jess: Wait-!

Jane: Slenda you can't be serious-!

Lia: She'll cream him!!

They all shouted cutting each other off. Slenda looked at them with a non existent glare. They all sat down quick as if they were forced to their asses.

Slenda: Silence! My mind is made up!

She didn't leave much room for arguments with her tone. It was terrifying. Yn looked at her. She looks at Rogue again. Rogue nods. Rogue walks up to him and grabs him by the arm and start dragging him to... Somewhere.

Yn: Why?

Rogue: Don't talk. You may speak to me after initiation when you've proven yourself.

Yn: Fine. I didn't want to talk to you anyways.....

Rogue: I said shit it.

She tightens her grip on his arms. A warning. One he almost didn't care for. He listened regardless. The clawed woman soon led him into a big gym room. There was a ring in it's center so more than likely where the fight would take place. Yn sighed and set Sally down. She looked nervous about this.

Two Faces  One BodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora