Hanging next to other pairs were two thin, jade rectangles, hanging from a short, gold chain. A gold bead connected the chain and the jade and in each jade earring was a detailed carving of a twisting dragon. They were simplistic, they were pretty, they were perfect and a wonderful keepsake for your guy's time in Liyue.

Snatching the pair you swerved through the shelves of other items to find you angel looking at groups of rings, and by his face you could tell none of them were to his taste.

"Hey." You interrupted. He flicked his eyes towards you before they caught on your hands where you were jangling the earrings. "Like these?"

He took them from you, turning them over in his hands and tracing the craving of the dragon through the thin, green jade. Slowly, he smiled. "I love them."

"Good!" You smiled, seeing him happy always made you happy too. "Let's go pay for them."


The two of you walked out from the shop, jade hanging from your right ear and from his left with your wallet considerably lighter.

"That was expensive." You muttered, but the weight on your ear didn't bother you, in fact, it made you smile brightly.

Ariel looked sheepish, lightly fiddling with his new accessory. "I'm sorry. I didn’t know it would cost so much."

You waved him off with a playful scoff. "Don't worry about it. You know I like treating you."

"You like treating everyone."

You shrugged.

The rest of the day was spent by Ariel’s side. Going to different vendors to try Liyuen food outside what you've had at inns or hotels and multiple stalls to look at toys and collectibles and much more.

Stopping by the bookstore was the best part. You found many stories about Liyue's past, the stories of Rex Lapis and the adepti, the wars and hardships of the country. Of course you didn't know how accurate these stories were, but you knew they would be interesting nonetheless. It'd be like reading a 'based on a true story'. You could get behind that.

You left with a pile of books in a cloth bag, waiting to be read. You might have to stop back at Mond before you journey anywhere else to put all your trinkets at home with the way this was going. It was about time your tbr started to fill up again.


You were sitting on your twin bed in the inn when Aether slammed the door open with a scowl set firmly on his lips. Amusement bubbled up within you but you pushed it down for a more sympathetic look as he stomped over and flopped next to you. His groan was muffled by his head stuck in the pillow, but it was loud enough to still be heard and you slapped a hand over your mouth to stop any giggles from escaping you.

You got to work on de-tangling the dutch braid you had twisted it in this morning, running your fingers through the golden strands to gently release any knots. When you were done Aether turned over, laying like a beached starfish on his back and staring at the ceiling like it personally robbed him.

You placed the book you were reading, one you had bought on your trip with Ariel, on the rickety side table that was sparsely decorated with a slanted lamp and notepad for guests to give their reviews. Chuckling lighty, you turned back to Aether.

“How was your day, kid?” You let the mirth filter through your voice and you saw as Aether’s eyes, which had been curiously lingering on your new earring, focused on you and you were blasted with blatant displeasure.

“You knew.” He said simply, an accusation he was surely accurate.

“Knew what?” You said, sending him an innocent smile.

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