Hello Motherfucker

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Billy's POV

I swear I hear something as I reach my back door. I glance over my shoulder and listen. Nothing.

I shrug and make my way inside. Three more days until I can see her again.

I know it's crazy to think about but what if it wasn't a dream. What if I could take her somewhere? Somewhere far away from here. From him. From my dad.

A few months ago I knew nothing about the girl next door. Now she's all I can think about. I've never felt more connected to anyone.

If someone told me I'd be writing love letters and picking flowers for a girl, I never would have believed them. For a girl I've never even kissed. I shake my head. It's fucking wild.

The next three days are torture. I take the hits. I get a little drunk. I've tried to cut back but hey, a guy can only do so much.

The craziest part of all of this. It's been two months since I fucked anyone. Since I touched anyone. Besides the delicate hands of Josephine. I don't have any interest. I only want her.

It's driving me crazy.

Today is the day. I take my usual spot on my side of the fence and I wait. I'm excited to hear her voice. Excited to feel her hand.

I wait and wait. She should have been here by now.

Something's wrong.

I stand and take a look over the fence. The curtains are drawn over the glass doors.

My mind starts to wander. My chest gets tight. Is she okay? Where is she?

Josephine is missing again.

Fuck. I make my way around towards the front of the house. I see his truck in the driveway. He's there. Where is Jo?

There's a lot of things I've tried to piece together over these past few months but while she's let me in a little, she keeps a lot to herself.

I can't knock on the door. I don't know which window is hers. What if she's in trouble? Why else would she miss our meeting?

Think, Billy, think.

In one of our letters I asked her what she hated the most. She said the basement. When I asked her why she avoided the question. But I wonder.


There's no way.

My mind is a dark place but that.. that can't be right.

Could it?

I'm going crazy. I can't let this go. I have to see her. Make sure she's okay.

I slowly walk around the house. Every window is covered. As I make my way to the backyard I see a small window. It's painted over.

My stomach twists and I feel nauseous. You're being crazy. But I can't get the thought out of my head. I crouch down and try to scratch a bit of the paint with my nail.

It's painted on thick. I glance around and see a stick laying nearby. I grab it and began to scrape again. I'm slowly making progress. Use your fucking muscles, Billy.

I finally clear off a sliver big enough to peek through. I see nothing. It's dark as shit. I shake my head. I knew I was going crazy.

Josephine's POV

"And it all comes down to you. Well, you know that it does and.. Lightning strikes maybe once, maybe twice. Oh and it lights up the night. And you see your gypsy. You see your gypsy."

The Fence (A Billy Hargrove Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now