Cigarettes and Cologne

850 28 40

Billy's POV

In almost every letter I receive from Jo, there's a recurring theme. I want to see you.

I want to see her too. I want to brush her soft skin with my fingers. I want to look into those eyes. I want to hold her hand.

I want to do other things to her too, but that can come later. Josephine is.. different. I don't think she has much experience in that department.

I know I can't see her. I've realized that's impossible. But I want to give her something. Something more than a letter. I have an idea but I'm a little worried.

Jo says she talks to her tree.. whatever the fuck that means. Like I said, she's different. And I love it.

It was happening today. Our meeting. The plan was for me to sit on my side of the fence about thirty minutes before she comes out. I'll be out of sight.

Josephine will resume her usual position under her tree with a book in her arms. And we can talk. It won't send off a red flag because she talks out there anyways.

I can't wait to hear her voice again. To be able to respond immediately and get a response back instead of waiting for days. I hope this works.

Josephine's POV

Here we go again. I close my eyes. I try to pretend it's not happening. But today, something is different. I can't close my mind off.

I'm not floating and watching this horrid scene from above. I feel him. And I begin to cry. He hates when I cry. He says a few things to me. Things I won't say. Things so bad I want to die.

I want to die a lot. I think it would feel like freedom.

He turns my face to his. A punishment for crying. Normally I'm allowed to look away. Now I must stare into the black holes.

I want to slam my head into his. I want to push him off of me. His thumb comes near my mouth and I want to bite it until he bleeds. I want to make him feel pain.

Then I remember. I get to hear his voice today. I get to lean against the solid trunk of my favorite tree and listen to him talk.

I've never been so excited. I know it's a risk. But I think I'd risk anything for this. For him. For happiness.

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

I know it has a tragic ending but mine and Billy's will not. I will make sure of it.

I can't stop my tears from falling. I normally have a good bit of control. But today, I feel everything.

I won't tell my tree about the things I'm feeling in this moment. It's too dark, even for her.

 It's too dark, even for her

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The Fence (A Billy Hargrove Short Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin