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Pen braced herself on her knees as she finished the course. She knew she lost the bet, but she didn't care, it was a lot of fun, and she needed to throw all her frustration out in something. Taking a few deep breaths she stood up straight as Bucky came over, grinning proudly at her.

'It was fixed from the start..'.. She wiped her face with her sleeve... 'You're faster and stronger, that's not fair..'

He laughed, holding a hand out to help her off the little platform... 'Your legs weak yet?..'

'Shouldn't you ask Nat that?..'.. She took his hand, and stepped down, her legs almost going from underneath her, and he hooked an arm around her back, causing her to jump back, falling to the ground.

'Shit, Pen I'm so sorry, I didn't think..'.. He took a cautious step forward, holding his hand out to help her up.

Pen was thankful it was grass beneath her and not gravel. She shook her head, and took his hand, getting to her feet... 'Its ok Buck, I'm just still jumpy that's all, it's not you I promise..'.. She linked her arm with his, avoiding the surprised look on his face. The two headed away from the course, and up the banking to the compound. Though the sun had set, the lights around the course shut off, and the compound beckoned them back, 'Come on, I'm starving after that, and you need to get some rest if you're leaving early in the morning..'

She was exhausted, but it had been somewhat of a good day. She still couldn't believe she didn't have any nightmares. She didn't know why, but she hoped she would have another peaceful night... 'I know I haven't been here long, but it's going to be weird with a few of you gone. Just promise you'll be safe..'

Bucky smiled across at her, as they headed back inside... 'I can promise to try..'.

'I suppose that will do. You know, as much as I love Peter, I like having you all around me, like older siblings..'.. She grinned at Bucky... 'Except you and Rogers, you're like grampas..'.. She shrouded herself in her power, giggling as she floated down the hallway... 'Come on Grampa, do I need to get you a walker or a wheelchair? At your age, sex can kill you, you know..'

He couldn't see her, but she saw him, and he rolled his eyes laughing... 'Just you wait pipsqueak, I'll get you back for those comments..'.. Pen laughed, dropping her power and herself to the floor in the main room, laughing.

'And what has you in high spirits?..'.. Loki asked from his seat in the window, putting his book down as he smiled over at her.

'Grampa..'.. She jerked a thumb behind her and Bucky walked in, playfully scowling at her, as he headed to the kitchen... 'He kicked my ass on the course..'.. She followed after him, needing to eat before she passed out.

'No..'.. Bucky shooed her away... 'I got this, sit down..'.. He pointed to the couch with a butter knife as he began to make sandwiches.

'Yeah I can see why Nat loves you, you're just a big teddy bear really..'.. She teased him, as she sat down, and he smiled at her... 'I want to use the machine tomorrow, while you guys are away on the mission. Nat had the idea that once I'm healed, about having a tattoo in it's place, to give me new memories..'

'Its not going to be something bad is it?..'.. She turned her head, seeing Wanda come in with Pietro and she felt herself relax.

'Nope. I got a few ideas though..'.. She sighed, calling out to the AI... 'Friday, call the others here for me please? I know Tony and Pepper are out, but anyone who is awake..'.. Bucky walks over with her sandwich, and she eats quickly, while waiting for the others.

'Is everything alright Lady Pen?..'.. Thor asked, as he sat down opposite her.

'Yeah, it's just..'.. She sighed, fidgeting with her sandwich... 'Its time you all saw. I mean, I won't be able to wear trousers for 3 days after, as my thighs will be wrapped up, but I will wear skirts or dresses..'

Steve, Nat, Vision, and Sam all joined, taking their seats, and Pen put her plate down, and stood up... 'So, I'll be seeing Dr Cho tomorrow, and I um..'.. She took a breath... 'I want you to see. I haven't seen since it first happened, and honestly I don't want to..'

'Pen you don't have to do this..'.. Nat sat forward, giving her a soft smile.

'I know, but I just want you all to understand, as to why I'm jumpy, or wear things like this..'.. She gestures to herself, to the joggers and hoodie she wore... 'If I'm going to move past this, then I have to show the world what I was, before I show them, what I become..'

'That is very brave of you Miss Parker..'.. Vision nods to her.

She took a deep breath, and removed her hoodie, dropping it on the coffee table in front of her. Though she wore a sports bra, some markings on her body showed old scars, from the experiments. Those ones were not as bad, she could live with them. Squeezing her eyes closed, she shook out her hands, before taking hold of the waistband, and sliding her joggers down.

She kept her eyes closed, feeling tears build up, and she swallows down the urge to cry.

Nat watched everyone's reactions to seeing her legs. Wanda had covered her mouth, as silent tears escaped her.  Thor, Loki and Bucky looked like they wanted to commit murder. Sam and Vision held sympathy in their eyes, as they looked over her scars. Steve stared openly at them, and she saw sadness and guilt in his face.

Pietro, she was proud of, as he stood, going to Pens side, and he whispered something in her ear. She nodded and he went behind her, slipping his arms around her, holding her tight, as he whispered something else. Whatever he had just said, brought a small smile to Pens lips, and that alone set Nat off as she let a few tears slip.

Pen opened her eyes, feeling safe in his arms, that were around her. She looked to the others, seeing a range of emotions in their faces, but when she stopped on Bucky and Lokis, she burst out laughing. Pietro was right, they did look constipated. She felt him chuckle behind her, and she scrunched up, holding onto him arm with one hand, and the other covered her mouth. She heard Wanda snigger, and then she laughed too.

'I fear to ask as to what is so amusing?..'.. Loki shook his head.

'Pietro whispers that you and Bucky looked constipated when you saw the scars, he was right..'.. Another bout of giggles took over her, and the others began to join in.

'If it makes you laugh, I will try to keep that look..'.. Bucky rolled his eyes as he sat back. He had great respect for the speedster, for making a nerve-wracking moment more bearable for her.

'Not saying you should, because it's completely up to you, but do you feel ok as you are now, or do you want to get dressed?..'.. Nat asked her, and Pen relaxed in Pietros arms.

'I still don't want to look, so I'll pull these up, but I'll keep the hoddie off. I'm sweating all the time with them on..'.. She blew out a breath, as she reached down without looking and pulled them up again.

'How do you feel, now that we've seen them?..'.. Sam asks her, as he stands up, heading to the kitchen.

'More free than I was before. But soon, soon I'll be completely physically free. The mental part with still take some work...'.. She shrugged, and Sam came back over with a stack of glasses and a bottle of jack.

'A little toast to celebrate your bravery..'.. He pours a small amount into a glass for each of them, and they raise it... 'To being brave..'.. They all cheer and drink their glasses clear. Pen leaned back into Pietro, feeling a set of eyes bore into her. She didn't need to turn her head, to know exactly who it was.

She was glad he would be away for a few days, she could realax for a little while with him gone.


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