Master of Grotesque Romcoms

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Part 1

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Part 1

Date: Day 3 as a Deren fan!

Weather: Sunny

The weather on Monday was finally nice for once, but my manager's scowling face greeted me as soon as I stepped into the office.

There's still half a month till the bidder conference, yet she kept nagging me all throughout the meeting! This stupid job is really the bane of my existence.

Sigh... Home is the only place where I can get some peace, and focus on all things related to Deren...

I'm so glad my friend talked me into this! She really deserves all those DisCars. You just have to admit that she's on a totally different level from all the other rising directors!

Wow! Was Deren really only 23 back then? How incredible! That was the livestream of the Daily Dundee Show, for God's sake!

The Dundee Show has always been the most watched livestream in all of Eastside, with no scripting or editing whatsoever!

Is this the real strength of the youngest and best director in the history of the DisCars? Half an hour! How many A-listers can chat with that old man for so long without getting intimidated!?

Such elegance, such confidence... Dundee's eyes glittered through the entire interview!

Are these Internet trolls blind? How dare they call Deren arrogant? Saying she didn't go to the DisCars Award Ceremony or post about it on social media because she distain all that.

Nonsense! Deren is the master of grotesque romcoms. How can she possibly be arrogant? She already apologized for not being able to attend due to a family emergency.

The warmth and romance of her works practically ooze from the screen. These are truly the works of a keen and sensitive soul. How could someone who brings so much hope to an ordinary gal like me be considered "arrogant"?

These keyboard warriors who slander Deren from behind their screens are just jealous of her talent!

The youngest Best Director in the history of the DisCars!

An exclusive interview with the Queen of Grotesque Romcoms!

Here, on the Dundee Show!

Interview clip:

Host: You know the nickname your film crew gave you?

Deren: I have no idea. It's the first time I'm hearing about it.

Host: They call you "the queen on set."

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