Mark Sloan X Addison Montgomery X Reader!Grey

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I got out of my car when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I turned to see Mark with Addison behind him.

"When are you going to stop giving us the cold shoulder?" Mark asked.

"There is no cold shoulder," I said.

"You haven't spent a night with us since your sister found out," Mark said.

"I Uh I have rounds. Gotta go," I said walked off.


I got in the elevator. Addison was the only other person in the elevator.

"She didn't react in the way that I was expecting. I can't lose her. She's all I've got," I said. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you guys,"

"Take all the time that you need," Addison said. I looked at her as the elevator stopped. Bailey walked in with Meredith. I got out of the elevator.

3rd Person POV

Bailey looked between the older Grey sister and Addison.

"What's going on with my intern?" Bailey asked.

"Nothing. She's fine," Meredith said.

"Montgomery," Bailey said. "And don't tell me you don't know. I know you and Sloan have something with her,"

"She's tired. That's what she keeps telling us," Addison said getting off the elevator.

Timeskip-Jesse's POV
Alex and I were sitting outside eating lunch.

"Dude, you're miserable. Go talk to them," Alex said.

"I can't become another intern sleeping with attendings," I said.

"You were on my ass all last week about doing something for myself cause it would make me feel better and I did. Now it's your turn. Put yourself first," Alex said.

"But Meredith-" Alex cut me off.

"Meredith didn't care what you had to say about her and Shepherd. So don't care what she says about you," Alex said. "She's not all you've got. You've got me and once you pull your head out your ass you'll have them,"


It was the end of the day. We were all putting our stuff away to leave.

"Do you need a ride home?" Meredith asked.

"Nope. She's staying with me," Alex said picking my bag up. He led me outside. Addison was just about to get in her car. "Dr Montgomery," Alex said. Addison turned around.

"What can I do for you?" Addison asked.

"She's miserable and she's too hot to be miserable so take her home and make her happy," Alex said.

"I can ask for myself," I said.

"But you won't because you don't want to hurt Meredith's feelings," Alex said before walking away.

"Are you up for some company?" I asked.

"Yeah," Addison smiled. "Come on," Addison said. I got in Addison's car. She drove us to the apartment. We got to the bedroom. Mark was laying on the bed.

"Hey. How'd you feel about takeout for dinner?" Mark asked not looking away from the tv.

"Sounds good," Addison said.

"So no more cold shoulder," I said. Mark jumped.

"Really?" Mark asked.

"It's time I put myself first," I said.

"Good," Mark said pulling me down on the bed. Addison got on the bed beside me. We cuddled together watching the movie that was playing on the tv. We then ordered food. We talked as we ate.

"So no special treatment at work?" Mark asked.

"Nope. I'm a good intern and I'd rather show that through my skills than letting people think I'm sleeping my way there," I said.

"We can respect that," Addison said.

"We're not just sleeping with you. We're kidnapping you now. You're never leaving," Mark said.

"Okay," I smiled taking a bite of food.

"You're a very happy hostage," Addison said.

"My kidnappers are hot," I said as Mark took my empty plate off me.

The three of us were laying in bed cuddling. Mark had given me a t-shirt to change into.

"Another movie?" Mark asked. I nodded.

"Yeah," Addison said. We cuddled up. I started falling asleep. "Go to sleep if you're tired," Addison said.

"I'm not tired," I said.

"Come here," Addison said. I put my head on her chest. Addison started playing with my hair.

"Maybe a little tired," I said quietly.

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