Chapter 12 S2~ This is the End

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The bone demon raise her hands up to her mouth as she blows on it, letting out blue smoke out her mouth.

The blue smoke circles around the furnace before going in.

A gust of wind comes out the furnace.

The mayor smiles while watching.

The bone demon turns around.

The gust of wind disappears revealing the spider queen stuck.

Spider queen~ B-But I got you ingredients! I-im the queen, you promised me my destiny!

LBD~ a promise I did not break my queen, this is your density.

The bone demon stepped aside revealing mayor leaning on the furnace with a smirk.

The spider queen looks over to the cat who was also stuck and was looking down on the floor.

Spider queen~ You! What are you doing?! I know.. You can stop her-

LBD~ they are not allowed as they are too afraid.

Large dark vines comes out the furnace heading straight towards the queen.

Spider queen screams as the large dark vines tears her apart. Breaking her helmet, and dragging her in the furnace.

The furnace cracks as it transforms into a mech.

A shockwave happened following by a massive gust of wind

The cat stares in horror as they twitch their eye.


Mk and his friends look over to the bright blue light.

Mei~ That's probably not good..

Mei food fly's into mk face.

They all went over to the railing to see what's happening.

The blue spider mech digs it's way out.

Mk gets a headache seeing pictures of lady bone demon.

Mei~ spider queen?!

Mk~ no, it's something worst.

Mk jumps towards the mech, he slammed his fist on the mech red glowing eye.

A large blue seal formed around mk, mk gets knock back on the sand.

Pigsy~ Cmon!

Mei~ Right!

They were about to jumped into the jet started to move.

Pigsy~ Tang! What are you doing?!

Tang~ I've got a bad feeling about this pigsy...

Tang looks over the glowing blue seal.

 Moony Kitty    ~~   !Yandere!  LMK x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora