School Trip Time, 2nd Period

Start from the beginning

"Isn't it obvious? We're peeping!" Nakamura says.

"Peeping?! Hey! That's our job!" Okajima exclaims indignantly.

"I wouldn't say it's anyone's job, per se." Nagisa says.

"And you, (Y/n)! It makes sense for those two, but... maybe Maehara is rubbing off on you." Okajima says, ignoring Nagisa's comment.

"I was bored." I say simply, offering a shrug. "And if it were anyone but Korosensei I wouldn't even consider it."

"Well anyways, just wait till you see this..." Nakamura says, slowly pulling the curtain back. "Clothes hung like that mean their wearer is in the bath. You catch my drift?" She says, revealing Korosensei's robes hung on the wall.

"Y-Yeah." Nagisa agrees hesitantly.

"This is our chance to see what's inside Korosensei! Does he have some kind of body, or is it tentacles all the way down?" She speculates, tip-toeing into the room. "Where's the harm? It could even help us assassinate him." She says, our small group following after her.

"This has to be the least sexy act of peeping ever." Okajima whines. Nakamura crouches down, quietly opening the door to the bathing room before forcefully throwing it open.

"What is he, a girl?!" She yells upon seeing the scene. Korosensei lounges in the bathtub, almost completely covered by bubbles. All that is visible is his head and a couple of tentacles, one holding a brush and scrubbing the other.

"Ah, hello, students." He greets us.

"Why the bubble bath?" Sugino sweat drops.

"You're not supposed to add things to the water here." Nagisa says with a frown.

"This is my mucus." Korosensei answers, Nakamura's face scrunching up. "It raises a nice, brisk lather and deep-cleans stubborn dirt."

"That body of yours does it all." Sugino says.

"Well, you'll need to clean that mucus of yours off the floor." I say, gesturing to where the 'mucus' is overflowing from the tub.

"Not to worry, I'll be on it as soon as I'm finished." Korosensei says.

"But you slipped up." Nakamura declares. "We're between you and the exit. When you get out, you'll have to pass by us. We might not be able to kill you, but we will see you naked!" Nakamura says, pulling an anti-sensei knife from her sleeve.

"I teacherly object!" Korosensei says, standing up defiantly, the whole tub of mucus with him, solidified around his body.

"Jellied broth?!" Nakamura cries.

"Oh, dear. I'm starting to feel a tad cold." Korosensei says, pulling himself and the jello-like substance out the window behind the tub with a laugh.

"He got away." Nagisa says.

"This whole peeping thing didn't really work out, Nakamura." Okajima says.

"Well, he can move at Mach 20,
so even if he went past us he could've changed before we even turned around." I say.

"We sure learned a lot about one another in this school trip." Nagisa points out.

"We didn't get any closer to determining Korosensei's true nature, though." Okajima sighs. "Let's go back to our room and chat."

Isogai POV

"Figures. Kanzaki's in first place." Maehara says, rubbing his chin as he observes the rankings. The girls with votes consist of Kanzaki, Yada, Kurahashi, Kayano, Kataoka, and (Y/n). "Well, there's no one who dislikes her. Nice job snagging her for your group, Sugino. What'd you think?"

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