Radiation Bomb

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(It has been a couple of weeks after the fight to claim the Star Saber and the arrival of three new members to team Prime in the form of Strongarm, Jazz, and  Windblade. Since then, tension has built up between one of the original members of team Prime and their human allies. The autobots were assisting their human military allies in their battle with M.E.C.H. The battle was taking place in a research facility that was researching the use of gamma radiation as a weapon. Of course, the autobots had to turn their attention since the decepticons had decided to join the battle)

" This is the most amazing battle ever, and I get to watch it from a front-row seat." Said Miko as she recorded the two battles on her phone." (Yanks Miko down and then glares at her after saving her from getting hit by a stray bullet). You call you nearly dying just now awesome. Have you lost your mind Miko?" Said Jen. " Relax Jen, it would have missed me even if you hadn't saved me. Everything will be fine. (Notices how two Mech agents have snuck into the building) Looks like we have two stragglers trying to sneak in, let's go get them. (Looks at Fowler). Fowler, two mech agents just snuck into the facility. We're going after them." Said Miko as she ran after the mech agents with Raf right behind her. " Miko, Raff wait stop." Said Jen as she ran after them." (Watches the kids run inside before realizing what Miko had just said). What, You kids get back here and let me and my boys handle this." Said Fowler as he ran in after them.

( Thirty minutes later)

" ( Shimies along a wall and then peaks behind a wall to see the two mech agents typing on a control panel that is in front of the gamma room ). I see them, It looks like their tried to disable the lock to the radiation room." Said Rafiel. " Then let's go teach them a lesson." Said  Miko as she goes to turn the corner and attack the mech agents only to suddenly get yanked back by Fowler. Have you lost your mind? You three may be helpers to the autobots. But here, you are just civilians who should have stayed at the base. ( Looks at Miko). I'm looking at you Miko, since I know the only time Jen and Raf would be in a situation like this is when not asked to be by the bots. Is if they ran after you. I'll handle these two while you three stay here." Said  Fowler as he runs at the two mech agents, not noticing the woozy look on Jen's face as she leans against the wall.  " (Watches Fowler fight the two mech agents for a couple of minutes but then sees one of them trying to sneak up on him). Forget this, I'm going to help. ( Looks at Jen but notices her leaning against the wall). You ok Jen,  come on we need to help Fowler. Raf, see if you  grab that flash drive that one of the agents put into the control consul." Said  Miko as she ran at the Mech agent that had tried to sneak up on Fowler.

" ( Hears the sound of someone getting tackled and then looks behind him to see  Miko struggling with the other Mech agent). I told you to stay back and let me handle it." Said Fowler as he turn back around to see Jen tackle the Mech agent in front of him through the glass door that leads to the radiation room.  " Does it really matter now? We just want to help." Said  Miko as she kicks the agent that she was fighting away from her. " Get the flash drive and Raf out of here now. We'll handle these guys." Said Jen as she knocks the agent's gun from his hand. "That's not an option,  You three are leaving this area." Said  Fowler until he and Raf are tackled to the ground by  Miko in order to Dodge a bullet that was shot at him by the agent that she was fighting. "How can you do that if you lose focus?" Asked  Miko. " Um guys,  we have a problem." Said  Raf as he points to the control panel and the metal container that housed the radiation. " ( Gasp in shock and then looks at Jen who is still fighting as alarms go off ). Jen,  you need to get out of there now. The machines gone critical." Said  Miko as two more solid-like clear doors quickly come down. " ( Notices the doors coming down while breaking out of the agent's hold and then slamming him to the ground or her shoulder which then breaks his neck as he hits the floor before looking at  Fowler). Go, get them out of her now." Said  Jen as she tosses the now-dead body of the mech agent out of the radiation room while the doors continue to close.

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