Attack Of San Antonio

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Valyirin is sitting on a patch of grass in the middle of a courtyard, that's surrounded by buildings and a large water fountain to his left, and scattered about were tables and chairs, The sun is high in the sky and very bright on this clear skied day. Valyirin is staring at the large sign that reads 'The Pearl' in cursive lettering that's placed above a large clock. the clock reads 11:54am .

"Listen to my story... This.. May be our last chance..." Valyirin says in a somber voice. "'you know if you're gonna keep quoting uncle Tidus at least have a reason to do so.'" a voice that sounds like Val said in his head. "Well it just so happens I do have a reason Shinra! so bleh!" Valyirin replied. "'ok... and that is?'' Schnee questioned in a sassy manner. Val goes to open his mouth, but before for he can utter words he shuts his eyes and his body tenses up as if being shocked, inhaling a large gasp as images flash in his mind of two giant robots attacking the same courtyard he's in, along with multiple solder Omnics, and he is seen fighting them in these images. His eye pop open and only one word was on his mind "EVACUATE!!!!!" Valyirin yells as he shoots up from the ground, Know those images were a glimpse into the near future, a premonition. "LOOK I KNOW I SOUNDS CRAZY BUT IMMA NEED EVERYONE TO LEAVE THE PEARL IMMEDIATELY YOU ARE ALL IN DANGER!" Valyirin warns everyone. Everyone around him just stares at him muttering saying things like "Is he ok?' 'what is he talking about?" "was he being weird before this?". Growing Impatient Valyirin mutters under his breath in Al Bhed "espalmac." then yells again trying to help everyone " PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO EVACUATE YOU'RE ALL IN SERIOUS DANG-" A titan Omnic falls from the sky crashing into a building behind Val cutting off his sentence. Everyone begins running and screaming as a second Titan Omnic falls down along with many solder Omnics in a pod state. "I tried warning them." Valyirin tells himself pulling out a set of twin pistols, the right pistol being black and silver with a lighting bolt on the side of it ending to a image of a wilting rose, and on the handle it has the word 'insanity' inscribed on it, the left pistol being a rose pink and a rose gold color, with two waves circling each other on the side of it ending in an image of a beautiful Rose, with the word 'Savior' inscribed on the handle. The pistols comes out of a Rose pink ruby gem located on Valyirins lower back that's exposed due to the hole placed there in Val's shirt and jacket.

Valyirin takes a deep breath as he widens his stance and brings his right arm up to solder level and his left arm up to elbow level preparing to fight. The omnics begin waking up Val runs at a solder omnic hitting it with a flurry of punches and shots from the guns, ending the combo with a dual punch from Val and a purple demon hand with sharp nails summoned from a blood red portal, the ending punch knocks the omnic flying into the other omnics knocking them off their balance as well. Val twirls and stomps on the ground yelling "TWICE" summoning the demons leg that has a black knee high boot heel stomping on the fallen omnics destroying them. Valyirin proceeds to shoot the rest of the solder omnics and destroying them. Mean while the titan omics have been destroying the rest of the pearl, Valyirin turn's to face one "This seems like a job for you handsome!' Val says as he lets go of his guns forming a pink bubble around them, then tapping the bubbles making them teleport back into his gem, he then begins to dance, making a fist in both hands, holding them towards himself, moving his body as if he was ducking, then rotates his right hand over his head, and moving the left hand to the side, standing up right then turning to the left as he moves his arms to cover his face, then throws his arms to the side making a dramatic pose whilst calling out in Al Bhed "YHTNUKOHUIC NUOYMDO!!' The same blood red portal from earlier appears but on the floor behind Valyirin, a 27 foot tall demon rises out of the portal with the same hands and legs from earlier, They have two dark purple horns but the left one is broken, they have long pink hair that's put neatly in a ponytail, pink beard and mustache, with purple skin, purple and pink sharp nails, wearing a pink dress with a black leather vest. "Sir Alstolpho I'm counting on you Beautiful!" Val says to the demon. Alstolpho kisses their two left fingers, then makes a circle with pointing towards the sky opening a portal which drops a big sword that's colored rose pink with rose gold accents to it, and what seems to be a barrel at the end of the blade and a trigger on the hilt. Val begins to dance and Alstolpho starts to move towards the titan as if being commanded too. Alstolpho starts cutting the omnic and with each slash They pull the trigger causing extra damage to the giant machine making it be temporally staggered, they take a step back, alstolpho then points the blade at the titans head, the end of the blade then begins to build light, once the light got bigger than the omnics head they fired the gun blade taking the titans head cleaning off, it then falls as it's destroyed. Alstolpho grows a sinister smile them giggles in a demonic way that'd send shivers down anyones spine, they put the blade down. Without Valyirin being aware the second Titan had already built up energy in it's chest cannon and fired it straight into alstolphos back, the demon yells as the titan blast a hole through them, alstolpho falls to the ground and begins to disappear. Valyirin is now knelling as he took damage from his summon dying. "Rest up for a while, you did good." Valyirin says as if he's talking to Alstolpho. The titan shoots the ground near Val sending him flying into a brick wall.

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