Camsé/Camgeria - City Brit

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Camden thought moving to the United States was going to make her life easier.

Boy, was she wrong!

As soon as she landed, it was one thing after another. The airport lost one of her bags, her phone died, and a nearby dog chewed her passport to pieces, so now she couldn't go back home.

Then, it rained. Great, just great!

Not only that, she was confused by the differences compared to the U.K. as she walked to the new apartment she found online. People driving on the right side, profanities everywhere, this was nothing like home.

Good thing she became neighbors with a cute girl. At least she knows exactly what Camden is going through.

A little too well.

I think this can be either Camsé or Camgeria. I never really got Camsé until I saw ✨️the video✨️...

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