The Silent Talker

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It's summer Time (around where I am, anyway)! Which means I am on my somewhat seasonal job search. This also means I MIGHT not be active on Wattpad, let alone write and post. So, enjoy while you can...

Chatterbox, blabbermouth, windbag, squealer, bigmouth. Yep, Jasmine has heard it all before. But yet, she can't really figure out how to just shut up or even listen to others.

Despite being known for her big mouth, she somehow grew a connection with another girl she didn't think would give her a chance. And it wasn't helping that she was an absolute hottie too!

Who is this girl? Where did she come from? And how was she making the school's 'Mouth Almighty' so quiet?

For this prompt, I couldn't decide who Jasmine was going after, considering all the possibilities that can spew from this.

Whether it was Daya & her bad girl persona, Bosco being a quiet emo, hell, I would even consider Kerri as a high school Instagram celebrity for some fucked up reason at this point.

I don't really know who else to put here, so, go crazy...

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