Chapter 61-70

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Chapter 61

Selling vermicelli is one or two times easier than making vermicelli. The only problem is that Qian Yu is short of manpower. The vermicelli factory has already used a lot of people from the Liu family village, if the sales link still uses people from the Liu family, it will inevitably increase people's appetite. Liu Ertao and his wife can't see any bad deeds now, but people's hearts are separated from their belly. Qian Yu didn't want to use money to test anyone. Whether the other party passed the test or not, it would be of no benefit to her vermicelli factory.

In the end, Ding Jie was still called. Qian Yu knew that Ding Jie was going to follow Qian Qing, but now Qian Qing didn't need to go to the south for the time being, and the front shop had not yet handed over the house. So Ding Jie has been helping Qian Qing for a while, and after Qian Qing sent him 300 yuan, this guy doesn't go home anymore and spends all day outside.

Qian Yu gave Ding Jie fifty yuan a month to sell vermicelli in the town, and also printed some business cards with the address of Qianyu vermicelli factory written on them. The phone call has not yet been made, because it costs thousands of dollars to make a call, so I can only deal with it during this period.

Ding Jie was kicked out of the house by his father, so he could only follow his eldest sister to the town to set up a stall to sell vermicelli.

There is a small pot on the briquette stove, and a half-person-high stack of vermicelli is piled up next to it. Mother Qian prepared the seasoning of hot and sour powder and made them into packs, and the vinegar was also paired with a small wine cup, just pour one cup into the pot.

The weather is getting colder and colder, Ding Jie rubbed his hands and took a breath, took out a handful of vermicelli from the bundle of vermicelli next to him for samples, filled the small pot with water, put the bag into it while the heat was bubbling, folded the vermicelli a few times and threw it away go in.

As soon as the chopsticks are rinsed, the hot and sour aroma spreads in the small streets of the town. The white air can be seen from a long distance.

This town is the nearest town to Liujia Village, called Meihua Town. The town is not big, but there are one or two village-run factories, and the market is very lively on a single day.

Many people from nearby villages come here to sell vegetables, and some hawkers who sell small things also come here on tricycles to set up stalls. There are relatively few hawkers selling food, and the main consumers are those hawkers who go to the market everywhere. However, most of them sell sesame seed buns, spicy tofu soup, and tofu.

As soon as Ding Jie's scent burst, some people couldn't help it immediately.

In the cold winter, you are gnawing on the cold steamed buns you brought from home, but the aroma of hot and sour appetizers is coming from not far away. Who can stand it?

Looking at Ding Jie again, behind him were bundles of vermicelli covered with tarpaulins, beside him was a stove with a small pot, and a few lunch boxes beside him.

Nondescript, is this selling vermicelli or selling food?

Ding Jie often came to sell cloth some time ago, and several peddlers here already knew him, so they came to talk to him at this time. Ding Jie directly told them to go back to get the lunch box and chopsticks. His elder sister said that the cost of sweet potato flour is not high, and he can make a big bowl of it. Don't be picky, and be generous when it comes to samples.

The original brown vermicelli turned into a transparent color in the pot, and the inside of the pot was shiny red. Ding Jie scooped a spoonful of chili sauce at the bottom of the lunch box, took a chopstick vermicelli, and poured a large spoonful of soup on it.

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