I slid in the booth and he did the same. "Thanks, for that." I quietly said and looked down. He slowly lifted my chin up to look at him.

"You check anyone who treats you that kind of way because I do not tolerate that." Zade softly said looking directly into my eyes.

I nodded my head and looked away. "Words, and look at me." He stated and I did. "Okay." I said in a whisper tone as I looked back into his grey eyes.

He slowly let go of my chin. "You look beautiful today. I like what you did with your hair." He said as he looked at my hair and then at me.

I smiled, "thank you but I like my hair more when it's straighten."I said as I messed with my nails.

"Well in my opinion, your curls embrace your freatures. Such as, your hair pattern compliment your brown eyes. Brings them out more." He said as he leaned back and manspreaded.

I was flustered. I never had a man compliment me on my natural hair, that's part why I don't like to wear it natural.

My ex would gaslight me if I didn't straighten my hair because when I didn't he claimed I look like I belong inside a zoo.

He really did a toll on me to the point I would starve myself, damage my hair by flat ironing it every single day, I couldn't wear makeup or I was considered a slut if I did. Couldn't wear revealing clothes or again I would be a slut.

When I was with him I was at my lowest... ever. 115 pounds at 20. I was underweight so badly, I was a stick but luckily I gained motivation after I left him.

Now I'm thick.

"Mar, would you like something?" Zade asked making me snap out my daydream and look at the waiter and then at the menu.

"I'll just have a Cesar chicken salad." I softly said and the waiter nodded as I closed my menu. The waiter walked away making me furrow my eyebrows and then at Zade.

"She wrote mine before she got yours." He responded and I wiped my expression off my face and nodded.

"Are you okay? You seemed zoned out."he asked as he looked me in my eyes. "I'm fine." I stated and gave a forced smile.

"Your lying. Your smile dimples aren't showing neither are your eyes." Zade quickly said making my fake smile disappear.

"Gosh, your so observant." I added and he smiled. "I may be observant but atleast I'm not stubborn and hard headed." He lowly said and I gasped and sat fully up.

"I am not stubborn nor hard headed." I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. He hummed and licked his lips.

"Whatever you say bambina." Zade said as he clamped his tattooed ring hands together.


I finished my food after Zade. He offered me some of his steak but I declined because it was too bloody for me.

I looked at the bill and immediately I felt like throwing up all the food I ate and placing it back on my plate.

400$ is crazy. 100$ just for a basic chicken salad with a side of vinaigrette sauce.

I sighed as I digged in my purse and went to pay my part of food. I was so used to me paying for me and my ex's Nico bill that it's normal for me.

"What are you doing?" Zade asked as he pulled out his matte black card. "Oh, I can pay my part." I gave a small smile and took out my card.

The waiter came over and went to take both of our cards but Zade stopped her. "Just take the black card not hers." Zade sternly said and the waiter nodded and slid my card back.

"There's no need-"

"When your out with me, you shouldn't even bring your wallet except for your Id and drivers licenses. I pay for everything." He lowly said as he lowered his Grey eyes.

"Thank you. I guess I'm so used to paying for me and my ex that-" I stopped and covered my mouth.

"Sorry, I just over shared." I quietly said and looked away from his grey eyes.

"Mar, look at me." He softly said and I did. "Your ex wasn't a man... he was a boy. You should have never pay for him or yourself. He should have did the treating." Zade stated as he looked deeply in my eyes.

"Can we just drop the topic please and ignore that I even brought it up." I whispered in embarrassment.

Those flashbacks were hell with Nico. He never placed his hands on me but for damn sure he verbally abused me and mentally.

He tilted his head slightly and looked down before biting his bottom lip.


"I apologize if I made you uncomfortable back there." Zade softly said as he looked down at me.

"It's fine, you were just telling the truth." I lowly said as I looked down. He gently grabbed my chin and pulled me closer to him.

My breathing fasten once I noticed how close our faces were.

"Stop looking down when I speak to you. I want your beautiful brown eyes on mine. Don't lower your head dolcezza." He whispered as I looked him in his eyes that were so intimidating.

"Okay?" He sternly said and I nodded my head. "Okay." I softly said as he looked in my eyes before looking at my lips.

He slowly pulled away making me finally breath properly. A part of me wished my lip were on his pink plumped ones but another part was thankful that he pulled away.


He drove me home which saved me money from riding the subway or taking Uber.

"Thank you again for the ride." I softly said as he leaned on the passenger door. "Your very welcome principessa." He rasped as he lowered his eyes and placed his hands infront of him.

I gave a tight lip smile and went to turn around but he quickly grabbed my arm and spinned me around before placing on hand on cheek.

He gently placed a kiss on my lower jaw making me bite my lip so I wouldn't moan from the soft touch I've been aching for.

He slowly pulled away and removed his hold off of me.

"Text me when you get in." He deeply said and I nodded as he went to get inside his car. When he got in I noticed he didn't drive away until I entered my apartment building.

Zade... is doing something to me and I'm not liking it.


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