Arc 1: Chapter 2

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Voi was 140 kliks along the canal, and we had a week to get there. Thats if we had landed on target. Luckily, the slipspace rupture had thrown us 27 kilometres inland, which made the journey much easier, but covenant artillery that had missed its target had destroyed road, tunnels and bridges. "Well, isnt this gonna be fun" I had thought at the time. Surprisingly, it was! Probably the best deployment adventure wise, but still one of the bloodiest overall, mainly because of the actual dropping of the pods. Many either landed in the bay of new mombasa and sank, or fell top down, causing the landing engines to speed the pod up on landing, completely destroying it on impact. Curious to hear, seeing as every pod had parafoils to slow the decent and keep the pod upright on impact. Guess the EMP had burnt out the systems on the pod then...

When my squad made landfall, we were scattered everywhere. Standard ruling is that you get on the set path and head to your objective, waiting about a mile off, meaning you would regroup before you attack. This was a huge set back in my case, as, although i had trained as a sniper on Reach before the fall, I was used to being the spotter, usually just looking through a small scope without a weapon. This time I would need to do both jobs, as the main sniper was at least 5 miles away, most likely in the hills. Usually it would be the case that I would only have my MA5C and  

my scope, but thats in Pelican insertions. Because we were dropping in pods, or "digging our own graves" as some say, I had my rifle with me, and my M7S sub machine gun. As I went about grabbing ammunition and food from my pod, i saw movement. A marine had somehow survived the carrier's jump.  

"Don't move!" he shouted, obviously not recognizing an ODST when he saw one.  

"Woah, Thomson, 39th ODST, not covvy!" 

"Really? I'm... I'm saved! The brutes, they're back there, massacred my entire squad, while we were blind!" 

"Yeah... the flash was pretty bright... Whats your condition?" 

"Amber, I'm afraid" 

"Hmm... You feel good enough to help me out?" 

"Depends what" 

"Sniping the bastards who killed our buddies"

"Sounds about right"

I can remember at that point, he attached a grenade launcher in place of the flash light on his assault rifle. Never realised that the marines around here were using that kind of weaponry!

Road To Voi (work in progress)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ