OC/Zavala !NOT agere!

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This is the response to an ask from @artistinyou2 asking for a Zavala x OC oneshot from Season Of The Lost on Tumblr. I hope you enjoy!

"Hey Zaddy." A soft robotic voice sounds, the Exo covering Zavala's eyes from behind him. He sighs, turning around to look the girl in her eyes.

"Hello, hunter." A smile crosses his face. She was dressed in mostly the normal garb- leather armor, swirling cape, even so far as the normal sniper rifle on her back. The major difference, though, was that there was a giant blueberry on her head. The rest of her garb matched, of course, being shades of bright blue and purple rather than its normal shades. Her ghost, floating next to her, had a little paper cut-out looking spider costume on. Zavala chuckles at the ensemble, holding his hand out for Euphi-5's ghost, taking a closer look at them before turning his attention back to her.

"Did you make this yourself?"

"I did! Yeah." You could hear the beaming smile in her voice, and she bounced on her toes a bit in excitement.

"Thank you for joining the festival with me, it really means a lot, Zavala."

"Of course, Euphi. I wouldn't miss it." He says, starting to guide her in a walk around the tower, keeping in mind her low vision from the paper-mache helmet. They walked for a while, talking about random stuff within their days, what had happened between strikes and schedule mishaps. Euphi-5 enjoyed the sound of Zavalas voice, and continued to ask him questions about his work, and the current festival, things around the tower while she was away. He always responded to her questions enthusiastically, explaining things she didn't understand or process, and reminding her when there were things he couldn't tell her. After a while of walking in the multicolored engram lights, she'd gotten tired of the noise of the city, and had asked to go somewhere quiet. Zavala agrees, rerouting the trek toward his office. When they get to the elevator, he smiles down at her.

"I enjoy your company, Hunter."

"I enjoy yours too,- more than you know." She says, following him to his office as they reached the bottom floor. Euphi-5 steels herself for the impounding conversation, her internal fans working overdrive at the thought. She takes the mask off instinctively, not wanting another item to overheat her, or worse, catch fire.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about." She says, sitting in one of the chairs in his office as the door closed behind them.

"Oh?" Zavala asks, sitting in the chair next to her.

"Yeah, actually I uh.. I like you a lot. You're really funny, and kind, and you treat me like an equal, rather than talk down to me. Not to mention that you're really handsome." A shy smile covers her face by the end of it, and she looks down, unsure of what reaction she might get. Zavala simply cups her chin, leading her to look into his eyes.

"I think all the same for you, little blueberry." He teases, before leaning in to give her a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I, uh- wow." She says, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Wow?" He chuckles.

"Wow." She repeats, bringing her arms up around his neck and pulling him in again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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