Crow/Male hunter reader

18 1 3

request from allfrogsgotohell on ao3

"bro i just got into destiny and happen to age regress so i don't know much but maybe just something domestic and cuddly? i'm pretty cuddly and clingy when regressing so yeah. no plot only cuddles. maybe reader is overstimmed and is trying to cope with it via regressing and is like stimming (like hand flapping and repeating stuff? idk im autistic bro.) but yeah i hope you can do all that. uhhh have a good day :]"

I do not have autism, so I did my best. I DO have ADHD and my partner has autism.

I worked within my experiences. It may not be accurate

Thank Destiny being my partners special interest for this book existing. 

Enjoy :)

"Ghost?" The guardian asks quietly, finding himself sitting in the tower, on the landing pad out near the Drifter.

"Yes, guardian?" His ghost asks, a soft click and whirring sound coming from the little machine.

"Ring Crow on the comms network, please."

The ghost makes a small 'ding!' noise, before radio static sounded. It was a quiet white noise, calming. After a minute or so, Crow came through. He didn't sound all that happy, though. A heavy sigh sounded, before he started speaking.

"Hello? What is it?"

"H-hey, Silver." The hunter spoke softly, reaching out his hand as a signal for his ghost to drift closer.

"Ah, my favorite little hunter. What can I do for you, Glimmer?" The Crow's voice softens to a playful tone, and the smaller hunter lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"Uhm,- if you aren't busy, can we meet at my apartment? I uh- I feel a spell coming on." Crow was silent for a second, before the chirpy voice of his ghost came through the comms channel softly.

"He can't hear you nod, Crow. You need to speak up."

This elicits a giggle from the little hunter, to which he immediately covers his mouth.

"I'll meet you there. Let me finish up what I'm doing and I'll be right over."

"Thank you, Silver." The little mutters under his breath, starting to walk toward the nearby ship pad.

"You're welcome, little one. See you soon."

The hunter was buzzing a bit as the call ended, rocking slightly on his heels and messing with the fabric of his cape.

"Calling your ship now, guardian." His ghost said, and the hunter nodded.

"Thank you," he said simply, pulling his thumb up to his mouth while still holding onto his cape. A soft jingle came from it, and some of his nerves settled. It was a small crow skull and feather keychain that Crow had given him. It was metal, which is where the jingle sound came from. The sound helped his headspace deepen, and he started to have to force himself to focus on the objective at hand. Ever since Crow had given it to him, he had it on at all times. The little keychain quickly became a comfort item for him, though he wouldn't dare tell his caregiver that. Crow's ego is already too big as it is.

After a few minutes of shuffling and jingling the little item, his shuttle arrived and he got into the cockpit, the ghost coming to rest a few inches away from his face. Amanda waved back to him as he got ready for takeoff, before starting to walk back to the hangar.

"Alright, little one. I can set it to auto-pilot back to your apartment. Let's get you a paci, huh?"

The now very small hunter nodded, and grabbed his pacifier from a little pocket between the radio and some controls, popping it into his mouth.

After about five minutes of riding in the ship, he landed on top of his guardian-specific apartment building. The ship was led off to the shipyard for storage, and the hunter tunneled down the stairs to his floor. The hunter got to his little apartment, and as soon as he got in the door he was throwing off his too-tight armor and getting into more comfortable clothes: an oversized sweater and some soft cotton sleep shorts.

As he was changing, his ghost chimed.

"Crow is on his way." The ghost tells him, and the little guardian smiles widely and shakes his hands to let out some of the suddenly overflowing energy.

"Silvers comin'!" He exclaims, a very subtle lisp coming off his words. The little stims a bit more, toddling towards the living room.

A knock sounds at the door a few minutes later, and the little bolts to open it.

"Silver!" He exclaims again as he sees who's there, bouncing his feet softly as he lets the taller male in and closes the door behind him. Crow smiles down at him, opening his arms for a hug as soon as he's fully in the door. The little all but jumps into crows arms, hugging him tightly.

The hug lasts a few moments before they both back away, and the little guardian starts stimming again.

"Aww, flappy hands? Is my little light that happy to see me?" Crow asks, and the little nods enthusiastically.

"Do you wanna cuddle, little one?" Crow asks, and the little nods again.

"Yes, please, dada. Wanna cuddle please." He responds, grabbing Crow's hand and dragging him back to his bedroom. The little gets on the bed first, patting the bed next to him for the taller.

Crow chuckles at his little, before climbing into bed with him. He settles into bed, before opening his arms again for the small one. The little climbs into Crows arms, getting comfortable and settling in as well.

The carer drags the blanket over them both, before kissing the smaller ones forehead.

"I love you, my little light."

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