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"Callie has already put you in charge of all of her cases." Mom pointed out. 

"Which is stressful enough." Dad pointed out. 

"And now you're supposed to be the one to decide whether she has a risky surgery?" She questioned. 

"This burden shouldn't be yours." He gave his opinion. 

"But it has to be mine. Her family can't make a decision. And--- And I'm the reason why she might not be able to walk again! Because of the choices that I made. I asked you here to help me make a decision, not talk me out of it. So, please just help me make the right one." 

They looked at each other. 

"Okay." Dad said softly. 

"If you are determined to do this, buddy, we need to get more than one Doctor's opinion. Okay?" He told me. 

I nodded my head. 

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