all gone wrong part 1

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my name is Y/N L/N 

i am a year older than Ellie Williams and my outfit is a skull mask a black, thin jacket. i wear fingerless gloves with light grey colored jeans with boots on.

 i wear fingerless gloves with light grey colored jeans with boots on

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the mask only covers my mouth and nose. you can see my blue eyes and messy hair. my hair goes down to my chin so i keep some of it in the back but keep most of it on the side as much as i can. i am wounded with a shot in my leg and i lost two of my fingers on my left hand and with that i was hit with a baseball bat with nails coming out of it and it had hit my stomach. with my fingers i was bitten on the ring finger but i thought i saw something so i just cut them off anyways just to make sure. i wrapped them up but i looked at them after being hit with the baseball bat i was good, no infection on my part but that's not important right now. what is important is that after all this time i have found her.

i have tracked Abby to California state and to this kingdom area thing i guess. she was the one who took my da-...she is the one who took jole from us. Ellie made a promise and that was to kill every single one of them...but then we got attacked. i was knocked out as i rushed in head first i was not lucky but i was told that Ellie begged for my life and now she is living in fear of losing me. not helping i am doing the dirty work of killing Abby but it needs to be done. she has nightmares and she hurt the one i love. i can't stand back and let that happen. i care for her to much to sit in the side lines and watch it happen. so this is where i am now, standing my ground and getting revenge for someone who meant so much to us. 

i started to walk down a stair case after a gun fight. i was close to dying but i made it out alright but i did have to patch my self up on the arm. as i get down the stair case i see a cell full of people. before i can get to them there is a small hallway and i continue looking down from my gut and it started to sting a little meaning when i was hit it hit something and went all the way in and out. i get to the end of the small hallway and then hearing a girl yell to my right.

i look over and she is going to hit me with a mental baseball bat.

Y/n: ( what is with all these baseball bats?)

she yells as she swings and i catch the bat before she hits me with it and then she pushes me back. with the little strength i have left i could not resist. but before she did i leaned back and swapped sides with her making sure she hits the wall and not me. i pull the bat to her neck trying to choke her with the bat. she then knees my in the stomach and it hurts so much where i get a loosen grip on the bat and then she throws me on the floor and doing the same to me from what i was doing to her. 

i had to act fast. i let the bat go the i was forcing my best so it would not choke me and punched her in the face then kicking her to the cell. as i did the people in the cell took hold of the bat while someone else took the keys and rush to open the door. soon as the door was just unlocked i heard the snap of the neck as they then let the body go and kept hold of the bat. 

both sides of the story (Ellie Williams x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now