He looked back at me. "I know, sweetheart... I know." He would usually say it back, but in this case, he didn't want to admit that this was a dangerous gig. He would say it after, after all of us were safe.

We had sat for another hour or so. Still no movement in the house. Dean decided to call dad. He should have gotten to Meg by now and hopefully was safe. 

"Dad's not answering," Dean told us, after a few tries. 

"Maybe Meg was late," I suggested. There had to be a reason dad wasn't answering. I didn't want to think of the worse situation, that dad was captured or dead. 

"Maybe cell receptions bad," Sam added. 

"Yeah, well...." Dean trailed off, not wanting to think about it too hard. I heard a quiet static noise and glanced up to the radio. I reached forward, past the boys and turned it up.

"Guys, listen," I told them. They both grew concerned, hearing the radio messing up. It was a sign that something was coming. 

We looked over and saw the house lights flashing, another sign. We took a glance at each other. It was time, the demon was here and we had to act fast. 

Getting our of the impala, we headed towards the house. Dean carefully picked the lock on the front door and pushed it open. He went first, followed by me, and then Sam. He shut the door quietly. We walked carefully through the home, not wanting to wake the family. Dean turned to face me, and suddenly looked scared. 

"Cheyenne, duck," he yelled. I didn't even look, just did as I was told.

If I hadn't, my head might have been taken off with a bat. 

"Get out of my house!" A man screamed, as the bat made contact with a lamp. 

Dean grabbed the man and pinned him against the wall, before more damage could be done. Sam walked over to me, and helped me to stand. 

"Mr. Holt, please," Sam begged. 

"We're trying to help you, you have to trust us," I explained. 

"Charlie, is everything okay down there?" Monica called from upstairs. 

"Monica get the baby!" Charlie yelled up to his wife. He didn't believe us. 

"Don't go in the nursery!" Sam yelled, running up the stairs. I decided to stay with Dean, in case Charlie got loose. 

"You stay away from her!" Charlie called out. He attempted to get away, but with a swift move, Dean knocked him out. He lugged Charlie over his shoulder.

"Go help Sam," Dean told me. I nodded, running upstairs. 

When I got to the nursery, I saw Sam helping Monica stand, but no sign of the demon. 

"Rosie!" Monica cried out, Sam held her back. I ran forward and carefully picked up the baby girl wrapping a blanket around her. A second later, the crib was on fire. We made it out just in time, before the entire room and house began to burn. 

"Get away from my family," Charlie yelled. He woke up from being knocked out. Monica stopped her husband from hurting us.

"No, Charlie, they saved us," She explained. "They saved us." I handed her Rosie, who hadn't even cried. "Thank you," She said, through tears.

We looked back at the house. In the nursery window, a shadow figure appeared. My eyes grew wide as I realized it was the demon. 

"It's still in there," Sam stated, starting to go back in the burning house. 

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now