Dead in the Water Pt 2

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     "Well, I think we can rule out Nessie," Sam commented as he walked into the motel room. I looked up from the laptop on the bed. 

   "What do you mean?" Dean questioned, as Sam sat down beside him. I moved up closer, leaning my head on Deans leg. 

     "I just drove by the Carlton house, there was am ambulance there," Sam explained. "Will Carlton is dead."

      "He drowned?" I asked, sitting up now. 

    Sam nodded. "Yep, in the sink."

    "What the hell?" I questioned to no one in particular, leaning my head down on the bed. Dean rubbed my back and looked back at Sam.

     "So you're right, this isn't some creature, it's something else," Dean stated.

    "Yeah, but what?" Sam asked.

     "I don't know," Dean admitted. 

    "Water wraith maybe, or some kind of demon?" I asked out loud, shrugging my shoulders.  Dean looked down at me nodding. 

     "Ya, something that controls water..." Dean paused, looking back at Sam. "Water that comes from the same source." 

     "The lake," Sam finished Deans thought. "Which would explain why it's upping the body count." I tilted my head,  confused. "The lake is draining, it's be dry in a few months, whatever this is, whatever it wants, its running out of time." 

    I sat up fully now, and my brothers turned to look at me. "And if can go through the pipes, it can get to anyone, almost anywhere." I realized. 'This is gonna happen again soon." I stood from the bed and paced the floor.

      Sam nodded his head. "Well, there is one more thing we know for sure," He said, "This has something to do with Bill Carlton." Dean got up and put his shoes on. "It took both his kids and I've been asking around, and Luca's dad, Chris, is Bill Carltons godson." 

     "Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit," Dean responded. We all headed for the car. 

     We found Mr. Carlton back on the dock, staring off in the distance. 

     "Mr. Carlton, we'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind," Sam began to say. "We're from the Department of..." before Sam could finish, Mr. Carlton spoke up.

    "I don't care who you're with, I've answered enough questions today." He stated, not looking up at us, not moving at all. 

   "Your son said he saw something in that lake," I explained. "What about you, have you ever seen anything out there?" 

   After Mr. Carlton was still silent, Sam spoke up. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Will's death, we think there might be connection, to you or your family."

     At this, Mr. Carton spoke. "My children are gone, it's..." He shuddered, "It' worse than dying." 

    None of us responded, we couldn't understand what he was going through.

    "Go away, please," Mr. Carlton begged. We thanked him and made our way back to the impala.

    "So, what do you think." Sam asked.

   "I think the poor guy's been through hell," Dean responded. "And I also think he's not telling us something." As they talked, I looked up at the Carlton's house. It looked familiar.

  "What is it?" Dean asked, seeing my look. Suddenly it hit me. I walked over to Dean and reached into his jacket. "Woah, Cheyenne, what are doing?" 

    I grabbed the picture Lucas had drawn and looked at it and then back at the house. "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something," I explained, holding out the drawing so the boys could see. It was clearly a drawing of the Carlton house. 

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