31; you're amazing

Start from the beginning

"I'm not him, baby." He softly kept repeating, rocking his love back and forth.

"I'm sorry.." Peter mumbled, a sudden wave of guilt washing over him. "I really am okay with everything we did- more than okay even. I just get a bit emotional after sex. Flash used to just fuck me and then leave me there, feeling used. I know you'd never do that though, it's ju-"

"I understand, it's okay. Don't apolagise." Wade coaxed, softly rubbing his thumb over Peter's thumb

"I love you Wade."

"I love you too, Peter."

"I almost forgot, I got you a gift!" He sat up, climbing out of bed and grabbing his suitcase.

"You didn't have to do that Wade-"

"Shut up I wanted to."

He grabbed the bracelets from the side pocket of the bag, before climbing back in bed next to Peter.

"Okay, close your eyes."

"You better be wearing pants when I open my eyes." Peter grumbled jokingly.

He held out his hand in a bowl shape, and Wade put one of the bracelets in his hands. "Okay, open."

The brunette opened his eyes, analyzing what was in his hand. A soft gasp escaped his lips as he realized what it was. He loved it.

"Oh my god, Wade I love it!!" He grabbed his boyfriend in happiness, hugging him tightly. 

"And, I got the same one. So we can match!" Wade said excitedly.

"That's adorable. I love you." Peter leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Wade's lips.

"I love you more Peter."


The loud ringing of his phone woke up Peter at no later than 8:46am. On a SATURDAY. But it was especially weird, since his phone was on do not disturb, which meant one of his important contacts was calling. Without looking, he answered the phone.

"Hello?" He spoke quietly, trying not to wake up Wade.

"PETERAREYOUHOMEIHAVENEWS." MJ screamed into the phone.


"Are you home?" She said, still loudly but slower this time.

"No, I'm not." He mumbled.

"Shit. I'm nearly at your appartement already. Where are you? At Tony's?"

"No, at Wade's."

A chuckle escaped her lips. How could she have forgotten Wade was back, when it's all Peter could talk about the past few days.

"Right. Where does he live? I need to talk to you."

"Why can't you say it now?" He said, his head hurting from having to think so much this early.

"I want to see your reaction." She said, getting slightly annoyed.

At this point, Wade had woken up. He turned around and crawled closer to Peter, his arm wrapping around the spider's waist.

"Mmm Peter? Who are you talking to?" He mumbled sleepily.

"MJ called me." He whispered softly.

"Good morning Wade." He then said, leaning in for a kiss.

"Oh god I did not have to hear that. I tracked your location, I'm gonna be at the coffee shop there in 10 minutes. Be there."

And with that she hung up the phone, making Peter let out an annoyed sigh. His boyfriend was placing kisses on his cheek, still drowsy.

wade x peter : only youWhere stories live. Discover now