Oh Crab

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Ladenee's POV

~Really Ladenne? NOW you have to pee? Out of all times? Well, you'll hold it until another girl gets here.~ I say anxiously to myself. I do not want to make this hang out weird like I always did last year.

Garred takes my hand and I feel my cheeks getting warmer. ~Am I... Am I blushing? I can't be. Even if I did like him like that, I just met him. We would never feel the same way as each other. I just wish we were in the same social class at school. That way we might have a chance at... Oh my glob. Do I like him?~ I think.

I curse in my head but keep my expression the same as normal. A blank face to hide all feelings. It's to risky for people to know all of my feelings. To many heartbreaks...

;"What are you thinking about? You look completely absorbed in thought. Are you okay?"; Garred says, dragging me back to the present, forcing me to try to forget the past. I nod my head and he walks on a bit doubtful.

He leads me down a flight of stairs to a basement with a gigantic TV on the wall. It has a faded blue carpet and an orange only a real artist can describe for the walls. There's a queen sized bed with a neon yellow comforter and white pillows with multicolored paint splotches, lined across the bed frame.

";This is my room. I get the whole basement to myself. Decorating it freely. I prefer neon colors as you can see,"; he says moving his arm to show off his room.

The door bell rings and he looks up the stairs. He gets a text seconds later and he runs up stairs to answer the door. ;"Lita!"; He yells as a beautiful, brown haired girl walks in. She has a pink shirt on that reads, 'TOUGH GIRLS WEAR PINK' in bold letters. She's wearing dark blue jeans with rips in them with purple converse barely visible under the jeans.

Lita and Garred hug each other and then he introduces me. "This is Ladenee! She is the new girl at school and she caught on to everything a lot quicker than most new kids," he says, almost proud.

She shakes my hand and then pulls me into a hug, taking me by surprise. All three of us talk for a little until Burt and Brett arrive. Then all 5 of us talk until the next two people, Ashley and Alex, show up.

Burt, Brett, and Garred are the only boys here. Alex, Ashley, Lita, and I are the girls here. Alex and Ashley are twin sisters and Brett and Burt are twin brothers. Neither pairs are identical, thank god, but there voices sound quite a bit alike.

We all go down stairs and set up for the night. Burt gets the bight idea that, since I was the newest, I get to sleep in Garred's bed with him. ;No! Absolutely not! We met today! Either way! That's really weird!; I object like there's no tomorrow while Garred just sits there with his arms crossed not making faces or sounds.

;Ladenee. You've made your point. You don't want to. That doesn't mean he objects, too. Garred. Would you mind that?; Burt asks. Garred just stares off into the wall, and says nothing. ;I'm not hearing no, soooo,; Burt says. ;You're not hearing yes either, Alex says. I mouth the words thank you to her and she nods.

;Do you object to Ladenee sleeping in your bed, too, because she the newest?; Burt says slowly. Garred cocks his head forward and says, ;Are you serious? Are you retarded? I think you always have been actually.; Garred says, trailing off.

Burt curls his fingers into a fist form and brings his arm back. He punches Garred in the face and blood starts to run from his nose. Next thing I know, Garred is pinned down by Burt and Burt is punching him in the face.

;THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!!; I yell at the top of my lungs. They don't stop and so I end up dragging Burt of Garred and kicking him in his sensitive spot a few times. I look over to Garred who has a black eye, bloody nose, and a cut on his lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2013 ⏰

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