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Alright my followers of end, here is my first challenge EVAH for you.....TRY TO CREATE A TULPA!!!! Its gonna be hard so do, so you can do it only if you want to.....Here's a sorta guide for all the people who want to do it, I didn't make it though ._.

What Is a Tulpa?

A tulpa is an independent consciousness in the mind, and is ultimately no different from you as far as how you think, act, perceive the world, etc. It isn't a demon, a spirit, or an external entity of any kind. A tulpa is an internal personality separate from your own, but just as human. They are sentient, meaning they have their own thoughts, consciousness, perceptions and feelings, and even their own memories.

A tulpa is essentially a mind that (usually) identifies with a form, created by an individual as a mental companion. Their form can be chosen by the creator of the tulpa, but it can also be left for the tulpa to decide on. It can communicate with you through mindvoice - a voice in your head similar to the one you use when you think or talk 'in your head' - or using an imposed voice, that will be similar to the way you hear sounds from reality, but the imposed voice is still internal. Not only voice can seem like it comes from reality, you can learn to impose your tulpa's form, which will allow you to see it as if it's physically there, despite that it still is in your mind.

By being in your mind with you, they know you intimately like no external being can. You can decide to open to them everything about yourself, including your most intimate memories, your everyday thoughts and everything you know. There is no need to fear that they won't understand how you acted in certain situation that might seem bad or shameful; most tulpas are very understanding of their host due to how close they are.

What Isn't a Tulpa?

Tulpas are not spirits or demons. They are constructs of the mind; they have as much power over you as you'll give them, and no more. They can't kill you (not that we've tested it, but there are no records that would substantiate anything like that) and can't physically harm you. A tulpa isn't going to take over your mind or body out of the blue - some people experiment with possession, but anyone who does will tell you that it isn't easy, instant, or something that can be done without practice on your part. Also, your tulpa will not be inherently malevolent unless you make it that way, or if you do something to earn its scorn to the point where it would wish anything negative towards you. Remember that the tulpa is a part of you - it won't do anything that would jeopardize your existence.

Having a tulpa does not inherently give you a mental health disorder such as dissociative identity disorder (DID) or dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) and a tulpa definitely isn't schizophrenia nor it can give you schizophrenia. Some creators have experienced dissociation, and perhaps a disorder has manifested in a rare few people attempting to create tulpas, but such cases are extraordinarily rare. Dissociation doesn't just happen because you have a tulpa. When it does happen it's a signal that there was very likely something that needed addressing, like serious depression, trauma, abuse, or clinical anxiety issues.

Ultimately, if you don't perceive a threat from the process, there won't be one. The common link between these cases is that the creators are paranoid of such things happening. If you can't get over that fear, you may not want to try creation yet.

Tulpa manifestation


So, you want to make a tulpa, is that right? In this guide I will discuss how to make this psychological phenomenon. This guide is firmly rooted in the psychological school of thought. I hold the opinion that people should not follow guides perfectly. You should take this as a guideline, and then find your own way. This is just based off my experience, and the experiences of people I have talked to. We are not all the same. This all took me a total of 130 hours: over the course of 2.5 months, 2-3 hours a day 5 days a week.

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