Chapter Nineteen: Final Girls

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Davie and a reluctant Audrey walked towards Angela.

"Hey, Angela," Davie said. "Sidney told us what happened to you."

Audrey nods her head slowly. "We wanted to make sure you're okay."

Davie feigned sympathy. "Do you know who did it?"

Audrey narrowed her eyes at Davie, looking back at Angela. "You don't have to tell us if you're not ready or comfortable with talking about it."

"Davie it... was Tommy," Audrey told her.

Audrey's eyes widened.

"What did you say?" Davie asked.

"Davie, I'm so sorry," Angela told her. "It-it wasn't my fault. He did it to me."

"Liar," Davie said.

"Davie, I believe Angela, I think she's telling the truth," Audrey told her.

Davie grabbed Audrey's wrist, dragging her away. Audrey turned to Angela with a sympathetic gaze.



"Davie took it personally," Audrey told them. "Tommy was her boyfriend, so she had to pick a side. Angela or Tommy?"

"She picked Tomm," Sidney told them. "So, instead of helping Angela, she blamed her."


1999 - Millwood High Bathroom

Audrey and the girls stood in the bathroom, listening to Davie speak.

"It's so obvious Angela's lying about Tommy," Davie told them.

Davie was fixing her hair, looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"What if she isn't?" Corey asked.

Audrey opens her mouth to say something, but closes it as she catches Davie's intense gaze, telling her to 'Keep your mouth shut'.

Audrey glared at Davie, rolling her eyes, sighing.

"Don't be so dense," Davie told her. "She's clearly just trying to get attention." She turned around to look at them. "Like always."

"I think it's different this time," Sidney told her.

"Angela's out of control," Davie told them. She turned to face the mirror. "And we need to teach her a lesson."

"What kind of lesson?" Marjorie asked.

"We have to...ignore her," Davie said. "Pretend she doesn't exist. We're going to... erase Angela Waters." Davie chuckles. "Oh, not just us. We're gonna get the whole school to do it, too."

"What are you talking about?" Audrey asked.

"Turn Angela into a ghost," Davie told her. "Make her invisible. As if she were nothing."


Audrey stood with the girls the next day, by her locker as they watched Angela walk through the halls.

Audrey: (voice over) "And that's what we did. Cause Davie wanted us to."

Audrey watched as a few students bumped into Angela, purposely, making her drop her books.

Angela looked up as Davie and the girls laughed at her. Audrey forces herself to laugh.

Audrey: (voice over) "But things just kept getting worse. There was one last epic humiliation, one last nail that Davie wanted to put in Angela's coffin. And even more public shaming."

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