"Who knew they'd have angels here too?!" Dazai exclaimed before continuing his absurd rantings.

Y/N sweatdropped, trying to tune out the man as Atsushi made a feeble attempt to drag him away from the girl.

It didn't take long before he dragged her towards Kunikida, who had begun to do his paperwork.

"Kunikida-kun." Dazai grabbed the man's cheek, stretching his face with one hand, the other used to hold Y/N in place. "You should come to the afterlife, too. It's amazing."

Atsushi had been captured by bandages, stuck in one of the office chairs as he watches with (rather comical) wide-eyes.

"There are super cute angels, too." Dazai added, "You can drink all you want! You can eat all you want! You can look at all the sleeping beauties you could possibly—"

Dazai gets cut off by Kunikida grabbing the back of his shirt and slamming him to the ground.

"Shut up!" Kunikida demands.

Y/N sweatdrops, kneeling down infront of Dazai as he appears to have been knocked out.

Y/N sighs, shaking her head as she drags the man's head into her lap, patting his head since she can't heal him.

Unfortunately, even blood counted as 'a part of her,' so she was unable to use her ability on Dazai.

"Kunikida-san," Harunocchi enters the room, "The president has your case for the day."


"Dazai. Y/N. Quit dawdling. Walk faster." Kunikida ordered the two as they walked by the factories.

"'Kay." Dazai agreed, but didn't speed up his pace in the slightest.

"Yes sir!" Y/N grinned as she did the same as Dazai, messing with Kunikida was always fun.

"We only have two minutes and fifteen seconds until the appointed time!" Kunikida stresses to the two.

"That's a concern." Dazai notices uncaringly.

"Really? At least we'll be fashionably late!" Y/N pointed out, hands slotting themselves on her hips.

"Is it okay for me to come along?" Atsushi asked hesitantly, eyes darting around the area.

"This is part of your rookie training. This case involves solving a series of disappearances in Yokohama." Kunikida explains to the boy.

"If I recall, it's the one where visitors to Yokohama keep disappearing one after another, right?" Dazai wondered.

"We have an anonymous tip. The victims have been abducted and imprisoned in a certain location." Kunikida elaborated as the detectives walked into a warehouse.

"An anonymous tip..." Dazai hummed, hands resting behind his head.

"How suspicious and wonderful!" Y/N finished with a carefree laugh, hands clasped behind her back as she leaned her upper body forward.

"But we can't ignore it." Kunikida explained.

"So we're gong to check the place out?" Atsushi asked with a small frown, nervousness creeping into his chest.

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