Mama Tzuyu and Mommy Sana

Start from the beginning

"Aaa-" Minju said as if teasing her Tzuyu.

"Baby~ say Mama."

"Mmmm-" Minju may sound like she's trying but this little Chou was already a prankster.

"You're getting there sweetheart!" Tzuyu got excited hearing what she thought was a progress.

"mmi-" Minju said and giggled after.

"Yaaaah Minju~ pretty please, baby, say Mama."

But Minju just munched on her chubby little fingers while looking at her desperate Mama Tzuyu. The doe-eyed woman pouted and started making faces while the little Chou dead-ass laughed at her misery.

"Hmmm. I should really spend more time with you so you'll learn how to say mama," Tzuyu mumbled her worries out loud, unknown to the fact that Sana could hear them.

"She'll be yelling Mama in no time and you'll be deaf hearing it nonstop," Sana remarked that made both the Chous turn their heads towards the direction of the voice at the same time.

"mmi-" Minju said reaching her arms to her Mommy Sana.

"Good morning, love!" Tzuyu exclaimed as she gave her wife a large smile, which Sana obviously returned.

Sana then walked closer to them. Minju reached out for Sana and the latter took the baby from Tzuyu.

"mmi-mmi-mmi-mmi-mmi-" Minju happily chanted while bouncing up and down in Sana's arms.

"You're that happy to see me in the morning, my little Chou?" Sana asked. Minju cooed while she continued bouncing in her Mommy's arms.

Tzuyu smiled at the sight as she slowly hugged Sana from the side and swayed a little. Minju enjoying the warmth from her parents as she snuggled into Sana's chest.

" baby's so cute and pretty. We're definitely going to raise a heartbreaker!" Tzuyu exclaimed.

"She's also very clingy like you, love," Sana teased.

"It's just that I love you a lot and cannot stay more then 10 centimetres away from you!" the doe-eyed woman pouted.

"I love you too but it's true though," Sana continued to tease Tzuyu who just smiled goofily at her wife, admitting that she is very clingy. Tzuyu then reached out to caress Minju's chubby cheeks which resulted in Tzuyu squealing yet again at how cute and adorable their daughter is.

"You haven't given me my morning kiss yet. I bet Minju got a bunch already huh?" It was Sana's turn to pout.

"Are you getting jealous now?" Tzuyu asked as a sly smirk played on her lips.

"No... but I really need the morning kiss you know?"
Sana said and pouted once more.

"I'll gladly give you more, love," Tzuyu said before giving her wife a perverted wink.

"Shhhh! Not in front of Minju-" Sana said covering the littlest Chou's ears playfully.

Tzuyu just laughed along but gave Sana a kiss right after. It was a sweet kiss but not after a hand landed on Tzuyu's forehead which tried to push Tzuyu away from Sana.


Both Tzuyu and Sana was surprised and both bursted out laughing. Minju tried to get her Mommy Sana's attention by grabbing both of her cheeks but Tzuyu won't back down. She teased her daughter even more by giving Sana a kiss on the cheek every time she gets a chance. Minju is getting red with anger because of all the teasing and soon bursted out crying.

Tzuyu and Sana both laughed at the situation, who could tell that from all the traits that Minju could have gotten from the two of them, the one of the biggest traits she got was being a jealous monster?

"You are so fun to tease my baby!" Tzuyu said laughing making Minju cry louder.

Sana is trying to calm down Minju by rocking the baby back and forth. Tzuyu also helped by wiping Minju's tears. Sana gave Minju kisses that helped calm down the baby. When little Minju was done crying and the only thing they can hear was the soft sobs and sniff from her, both parents couldn't help but smile.

"Awww... no more crying baby. Mama is sorry," Tzuyu apologised as she leaned down to give Minju a little kiss on her nose.

Minju is a very smart baby and tried her best to act and played hard to get.

"Ooohh~ who made Baby Minju sad huh? Who made my baby sad?" Sana asked Minju while swaying from side to side.

With her lips quivering, Minju tried yet again to say something.


Gasps could be heard from both Sana and Tzuyu.

"YES OUR DAUGHTER DID IT!" Tzuyu shouted and both Minju's parents started jumping around happily.

Minju just looked at her parents, not really understanding what are they celebrating for. The two only stopped jumping around when they heard that cute grumbling sound from Minju that made the littlest Chou snuggle into Sana's chest for the second time.

Tzuyu felt ecstatic, these little things makes her and Sana happy and that's all that matters. Happiness and contentment. Chou Tzuyu wouldn't ask for more, as long as she has Sana and Minju, her life is complete.

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