She has always been a contented person, and all this makes her impeccable!

    Seeing this, the old lady reached out and touched her head, just like she touched her eldest nephew's head just now, and the expression on her face softened, "You, you are good at everything, but your temper is a little soft, because Jiayang In the past year of marriage, you have heard a lot of bad things, and you have been wronged. It is also my selfishness as a mother who caused you to suffer so many accusations that you should not have to suffer..." "Mom, don't say

    that With a gentle smile on Shen Wan's face, she held the old lady's hand like a daughter acting like a baby with her own mother, "I'm not wronged at all, you and Jiayang are so kind to me, you see Who else in the village is as lucky as me to meet such a good mother-in-law like you and a husband like Jiayang?"

    Speaking of this, the corners of her lips curled up slightly, "What's more, Jiayang is not a big problem. We still have a chance to have our own children in the future. To be serious, even if we don't, we don't have Xiaoyu's mother, Xiaoyu is Jiayang and I will raise her as our own child!" "

    By the way, Xiaoyu is the name Jiayang and I named the child, what do you think?"

    The old lady could see that she was sincere. Thinking this way, I feel more and more distressed about her. Anyway, in the eyes of the old lady, it is the daughter-in-law who has been wronged.

    At the beginning, she didn't know that her third son would have some minor health problems.

    After the two young people got married, seeing other young couples having children one after another after getting married, they would be able to conceive soon after one or two months, even if they were slow for half a year, and it turned out that these two children of their own were married half a year later. None responded.

    The two had no choice but to see a doctor.

    Doctor Gu in their village is a capable person. After examining the two, he asked some questions and then recommended his son to the hospital for an examination. Not from the daughter-in-law, but from the son.

    According to the doctor, the third son's sperm activity is relatively low, and the woman's pregnancy rate also decreases accordingly.

    It's not that you can't conceive, but the difficulty is indeed relatively high. There is a certain element of luck, and even doctors can't decide whether you can conceive.

    It is a special case in the village to deliberately check the body because of the child's problem. In many cases, a woman's failure to conceive is a woman's problem in most people's eyes, and men must have no problem.

    It was Shen Jiayang who didn't care about these things and could listen to Dr. Gu's words, so he found out the reason for not having a child.

    As far as he is concerned, he doesn't want his wife to take the blame. Since it's his fault, the responsibility is naturally his.

    But Shen Wan disagreed.

    She is very satisfied that her husband has done this for her, and she must not accept that others will laugh at her husband because of this. Men are people who value face, and her husband loves him and defends himself.

    Shen Wan, who is gentle and easy to talk, became hardened because of this issue, and it was her turn that some women and daughters-in-law were gossips, and she felt that it was not a big deal at all.

    She lives her own life, so what does it matter to her no matter how much others say?

    Under her tough attitude, Shen Jiayang's physical condition was only known to the husband and wife and the parents-in-law. Because of this, the old lady always felt a little ashamed of her daughter-in-law, so she always wanted to compensate her more in other places.

    Shen Wan knew all these things in her heart.

    But she really didn't feel wronged, and she didn't need her mother-in-law to take special care of her.

    The old lady is a person with a clear mind. Seeing that she has no intention of talking about this topic, she naturally didn't insist on holding on to it, and replied with a smile, "Okay, the girl is you and the old lady." San's child, you can just do what you think is appropriate."

    Shen Wan smiled and told the old lady the meaning of the name.

    The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked for a while, and this topic was skipped. After talking about it, the old lady patted her hand to let her raise the child with peace of mind. Regarding the identity and origin of the child, she will help her in the next two days Solved.

    The old lady's guarantee did reassure Shen Wan a lot. When she left, she held the cloth that the old lady gave her. Although the cloth was a little fragmented, the amount was not small.

    When Shen Wan returned to the room with the cloth head, Shen Xiaoyu was still sleeping.

    She tried the temperature on the baby's forehead, and felt relieved when she found that the temperature didn't rise any further. Now that it was raining outside, she couldn't do much work. After thinking about it, she found the sewing box, and took some from the bedside table. I plan to seize the time to sew some clothes for the baby.

    She is very dexterous, and she has always done needlework very well. After finding out the needle and thread, she started to do it immediately.

    But before doing much, someone knocked on the door outside.

    "Sister-in-law, are you there?"

    Shen Wan heard the voice of the second sister-in-law, and when she was about to get up and open the door, she saw the egg that her husband had placed on the bed. The eggs were put away, otherwise if the second sister-in-law saw them, she would not be able to explain the source of the eggs.

    After doing this, she opened the door and let the second sister-in-law in.

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