34. Pati, Patni Aur Woh

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The Pandavas have always been territorial about their wife Panchali. Forget about even showing interest or harming her, even if someone who's not their family, tries to look at her in an unwelcomed manner, they would make sure that the person knows about living in hell while still being alive.

On the contrary to her husbands, Panchali was naive and innocent and, is not yet familiar with the emotions of jealousy and possessiveness, except for that one time when she had seen her Arya Arjun confiding with Subhadra instead of her.

For Dristadyumna and Subhadra's wedding, invitations were sent to all the kings and their families of Aryavart. Drupad and Vasudev wanted the event to be a grand affair since they couldn't organise the wedding of their dearest daughter Panchali. Hence, through this, they wanted to make sure that she should enjoy all the events associated with the wedding to the fullest, as well as, meet all the people from different kingdoms around.

However, the two fathers had no idea that, instead of enjoying everything, their daughter would be busy with something else instead.

Soon, it was time for the wedding to take place.  The guests from across different kingdoms of Aryavart had started coming. The Pandavas and their beloved wife Panchali was assigned with the task of welcoming the guests. The Pandavas were more than happy to oblige as it meant that their wife would be by their side now, instead of doing some stupid chores, hence, depriving them from enjoying her proximity.

The Pandavas were waiting by the palace gates eagerly. There was no sign of Panchali though.

"Jyesth, what is taking Shree so long?" Nakul complained. He didn't care if people would call him a lovesick puppy. He just needed his wife to be by side right now.

"When I had gone to her room, Kalyani was busy getting ready. So, she should be here any moment now." Yudhishthir assured his youngest brother. What he didn't say it out aloud is that he was equally restless. He was just better in hiding it from everyone else

"There she is." Dhananjay whispered, as his eyes fell on his wife, who was walking down the steps, towards them.

At that moment, watching her walk towards them felt like the greatest gift. for the Pandavas . Dressed like a new bride in red, in her presence  even the tree leaves stilled for a moment; and, the fires flared but silently as they were all mesmerized by her ethereal beauty. The Pandavas' had their mouth open agape as she looked like a dream incarnated for gods and men alike.  The way she was  moving seemed to be so graceful and easy. As soon as she looked at her husbands, she passed them the most beautiful smile, making them feel at peace, thereby, ceasing their heart, which was galloping at more than 1000kms an hour. Knowing that she was their's and their's only, brought them immeasurable joy and happiness.

 Knowing that she was their's and their's only, brought them immeasurable joy and happiness

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"Krishnaa, are you trying to kill us?" Nakul asked playfully.

"Huh?!" Panchali was utterly confused. What did her husband mean by that?

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