29 may 2015

27 1 0

Hello silkerators!

Just a few minutes ago we heard our lockers would get cleaned, so the doorkeeper went through all the lockers. In one of our friends (isaB) locker there was a bottle of Vodka. Luckily her sister told us just in time so we could pick it up before the doorkeepers could find it!!
Now we're in class again, only 100 minutes to go and school is finally over and we have WEEEEEEKEEEND!!
This friday night we will go to a club! Whoop Whoop! We will go together with a few friends, first we will go to one of our friends house to make ourselves ready! After that we will go outside to a park to drink something (mediaaaa) and after that we will go to the club! After the the club i will go home with two friends and the other silke will also go home with two friends! Whoop Whoop! So i guess we won't get a lot of sleep tonight haha
Well aleight i have to go now but the other Silke will update a new blog tomorrow again and ofcourse she will tell you guys eveything what happened tonight!!

Love you silkerators 💕

Kisses Silke (s)

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