28 may 2015

28 1 0

Hello everybody,
I had to tell you something; you do know now we both called silke but you dont know which silke is writing every time, So from now on we wil say something like; "kisses from Silke (s) or Silke (k) 😊 sorry for that but you just had to know 😚

So today I wil not do anyting special. Today I have a short day at school today 💁 in the morning is just cycled to school with my gurlss, and I saw a exident on the high way, it was a pile-up of 5 cars, ther were a ambulance and a police car😱😱 heavy shit.
That was the most interesting stuff i saw this day. We also have P.E. today 🎉😒yay, and its raining 😢 P.E. Went fine. After school I cycled to home in about 10 min 😏 when I was at home I studied the whole afternoon for my english test tommorow. And after that i had volleybal practice again.
And that was my day today 😊

Love you Silkerators!
Kisses Silke K

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