The blonde-haired prince moved away, arching a brow as he sipped on his water. The foreigner grimaced. She knew he didn't believe her. And that was going to be a fuss to deal with.

"-as I was saying, The King of Ollyn had sent me a letter earlier today and I have come to a conclusion that he doesn't know about the project his children are planning." He emphasized on the word project.

Somehow the atmosphere could turn frigid at any rate when the King of Enlypse spoke. His dark demeanor always manages to raise fear in the foreigner's heart. The way his eyes penetrated to every living being's soul frightened her. His Highness is certainly the most daunting prince out of the seven brothers—beside him, the King of Ollyn suddenly looks friendly.

"What made you think that?" Prince Niki was the first to question.
"He has assigned a place and time for a meeting about the former deal we had. Since the engagement between Princess Aera, his daughter, and me had been officially called off, many arrangements and plans we had previously made are in ruins."

"In his letter he had wrote a few topics regarding the relation between the two regions, and hoped we would discuss the recent feuds with deliberation and civility as the leaders of the regions." The king further explained.

Contrary to his modulated voice, his brothers were chattering to themselves of how atrocious the whole situation was. In that very moment, Seulhyun felt a wave of shame crash into her body. Why is the kingdom she came from so...

The princes' objections were silenced with a few taps on the table from the king. Sitting next to him was Haeyul, whose face was unreadable as her mouth was pressed in a thin line. From the very beginning of the meeting, she hasn't said a single word, which was unlike her.

Once the hall was quiet again, King Jungwon apprised, "The place where the meeting will be held is in the Ryu Village."

Multiple princes sprung up to their feet as their wide eyes looked at their brother in terror. Seulhyun flinched at the sudden motion beside her as Prince Sunoo was now on his feet. At the corner of her eyes, she saw Queen Haeyul glanced at the princes with surprise.
"You're not going right?"
"You would be out of your mind if you are!"
"If you're going, we're all going."
"Jungwon, that is the hell's den!"

A hell's den. The infamous name for a small village, built on top of the tallest mountain in the world. "Jungwon, Kanyss was already a risky adventure but Ryu's Village? That's just-"

"Dragons infiltrates those mountains, Jungwon!" Sunoo raised his voice as if the message would pierce into the stubborn king's head. "At least the centaurs in Kanyss are more 'humane'. Dragons are a whole different thing!"

"Listen Jungwon, I get that we are vampires—one of the most powerful beings to live—but we don't stand a chance against monstrous beasts like murderous dragons whose first instincts is to devour you." Jay attempted to debate with logic, but the king sat still. Unfazed.

He glared at his brothers who have caused a commotion. "Will you let me speak?" He raised his brow.

A chill rushed down Seulhyun's spine as she swallowed hardly. What the hell. She didn't want to be in this setting. Everyone is so tense and one wrong move can cause an explosion from King Jungwon.

"You should sit down."
A soft voice blessed the austere mood. Queen Haeyul cracked her best effort for a smile and the princes settled back down on their chairs.

If only Seulhyun could rush to Haeyul and cave into her arms at that moment.

"The meeting will be held in Ryu Village since King Aspian has an investigation ongoing in that area. Unfortunately, the only free time he has is when he is in that location, so it's either we go and mend the relationship between Enlypse and Ollyn or we don't, resulting a potential uprising war."

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