Kimmy ignored it though and tried to steer her thoughts back to her game. 

Ben eventually pulled into the parking lot of the high school and parked by the curb where other parents were parked. He rolled down the passenger side window and gave a short honk when Claudia hadn't noticed him.

The honk startled Kimmy actually, causing her to flinch her head towards him. He hadn't noticed, though, since his attention was on Claudia. She looked in the same direction, seeing her new roommate talking to a boy around her age.

Ben pressed the horn on the steering wheel again when Claudia still hadn't acknowledged if she seen them or not, before turning the dial on the radio so it blasted the singing vegetables. Claudia finally noticed and headed their way.

"Was that really necessary?" Claudia asked once she was at the truck, opening the passenger side door.

"Had to get your attention some way," he said with a shrug. "I see you made a friend today."

Claudia pulled out the seat belt and stretched it across her front to fasten it. She then slumped back in her seat. "I met him at lunch when he asked for money for a Powerade."

"What's his name?" Ben asked.

"Jake," she replied, while staring forward.

There was a long, awkward silence where no one said anything. Miguel started singing to himself, waving his head a little from side to side, singing about someone named Jesus and how he loves someone. When the song was over, Claudia asked him nicely if she could change the music, which he willingly allowed. The radio was then switched to a rock station.

-- & --

While they were waiting for Mary's school to dismiss for the day, Ben got Kimmy's attention, letting her know this would be the school she goes to, as well. "It's a kindergarten through eighth grade public school. Mary's in the eighth grade, so you probably won't see each other."

Kimmy looked from Ben over to the one-story multiple school buildings. The campus looked newer than the schools she went to in Phoenix.

He also explained normally on Wednesdays, Mary gets picked up first since the elementary school has early release at noon. But Mary wanted to ask one of her teachers for help she was struggling with, so she stayed after for a couple of hours.

"We've had most of our kiddos go to this school and they seemed to like it, Mary included," he said, filling Kimmy in on everything. "I'm pretty sure you're our first third grader, though, so we haven't met any of those teachers."

"I will go here for kindergarten. Right, Tio?" Miguel asked, eagerly.

"If you're still with us next school year, yes, this is where you will go," he said with a confirming nod. Kimmy noticed him swallow before Ben added he needed to speak with Miguel and his sister in private when they get home.

The eagerness left the boy's face and the corners of his mouth dropped as if Ben had given him bad news. "Is it bad?"

Ben gently shook his head. "No, buddy. It will be good." When Miguel still did not look convinced, he reached back to playfully punch the boy's lower knee, offering him an encouraging smile.

Miguel returned a smaller smile.

Claudia gave the head's up, Mary was heading towards the truck, coming from the double doors that led to the eighth grade hallway.

Ben had Miguel scoot his seat over to the middle so Mary could climb in beside him, which the first thing out of his mouth was Ben needing to tell them something in private when they got home. Like her brother, Mary also asked if it was anything bad.

Hidden Burdens (working title)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora