He looked up at dad. "My dad?" He questioned. "I don't know where my dad is." But after a minute, Sam passed the phone to dad, with a bit of hesitation. 

"This is John," He started. This time he was silent for longer. Meg must have a whole lot to say. "Caleb?" Dad suddenly said, with both confusion and fear. Caleb was another friend of dad and ours. He was someone that would help us research from time to time. 

"Caleb," he repeated. "You listen to me... he's got nothing to do with anything, you let him go." 

Another round of silence. "Caleb?" dad asked. "Caleb!" Tears came to my eyes again. Why were all of our friends dying. Dean placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"I'm gonna kill you... you know that?" dad stated, oddly calm. "Okay," he spoke after a minute. It was almost a whisper. Clearly Meg wanted him to speak up. "I said okay, I'll bring you the colt."

At this the boys and I looked at each other. There was no way that dad would just give up, not after everything he's worked on. He glanced at us.

"It's gonna take me about a day's drive to get there," Dad responded to Meg. Meg must have said she wanted him there sooner. "That's impossible, I can't get there by that time and I can't just carry a gun on a plane."

He got off the phone. We waited for him to speak and give us some explanation to what his plan was going to be. He did tell us one thing, that Meg was a demon. 

"So, you think Meg is a demon?" Sam questioned, still not understanding. 

"Either that or she's possessed by one," dad explained. "It doesn't really matter."

"What do we do?" Dean asked. 

"I'm going to Lincoln," dad stated. 

"What?" Dean questioned, stepping towards the man. 

"It doesn't seem like I have a choice," dad admitted. "If I don't go, a lot of people die... our friends die."

"The demon is coming tonight for Monica and her family," Sam argued. "That gun is all we got... you can't just hand it over."

"Who said anything about handing it over?" Dad asked. I shared a look of confusion with Dean. Dad went on. "Look, besides us and a couple vampires, no one's really seen the gun... no one knows what it looks like."

Dean wasn't happy with that answer. "So what, you're just gonna pick up a ringer at a pawn shop?"

"Antique store," Dad corrected. 

"You're gonna hand Meg a fake gun and hope she doesn't notice?" Dean continued to question. There was no way that Meg would believe it. 

"She shouldn't be able to tell the difference," Dad explained. 

"Yeah, but for how long?" Dean asked. "What happens when she figures it out?"

Dad shook his head. "I just... I just need to buy a few hours, that's all."

"You mean for Dean, Cheyenne, and me?" Sam realized. Dad sent a look my way, but didn't say anything. "You want us to stay here and kill this demon by ourselves."

"No Sam... I want to stop losing people we love," Dad stated. "I want you to go to school and I want Dean to have a home." I felt Dean reach down and squeeze my hand, he noticed the lack of me in that statement. "I want Mary alive." He said quieter. He even began to cry. I had never seen the man this upset. "I just want this to be over."

I couldn't do it anymore. I took the moment of silence and pulled myself from Dean's grip. I made my way to the door in silence, ignoring dad's stare as I walked passed him. Walking outside, I made my way to the impala. That's when I finally let the tears fall. I had been holding them back since I found out Pastor Jim died. Now with Caleb dead, it was all to much. It helped when I yelled at dad, but not by a lot. I looked down at the ground, seeing rocks. I leaned down and grabbed one. I held it for a minute, before throwing it at the nearest tree. I made a loud thump and bounced away. I picked up another one, throwing it harder. Tears streamed down my face. I was on my fourth rock, about to let it fly, when a hand grabbed my wrist. I almost screamed and kicked the person.

"Cheyenne, drop the rock," Dean begged. I turned to face him. Without saying a word, he pulled me into his chest. I let go of the rock and gripped onto his shirt, like some kind of lifeline. He let me cry into his chest. "It's okay, sweetheart, let it out," He whispered into my ear. He kissed the side of my head. "Shh shh," he hushed, which helped me calm down. 

After a minute of this, I stopped crying and, hesitantly, pulled away from my brother. He gently grabbed my face, using his thumbs to wipe any stray tears. I heard the sound of footsteps and looked up to see Sam and dad coming our way. Dean moved so he was in front of me.

"You okay, Cheyenne," Sam asked, seeing my red eyes. I nodded and gave him a smile.

"Good, dad has a plan," He gestured to dad, to take the floor.

He explained it to us. It felt crazy and odd, but we went with it. Dad didn't really give us a choice. 

 The first thing to do, was go to a local antique store and get a gun that would be as close to the colt as possible. That was Dean and I's job. And after looking around for a while, we found the perfect one. We met up with Sam and dad.

"You get it?" dad asked. Dean took the wrapped weapon and handed it over. 

We watched him pull it out and begin to look it over.

"You know this is a trap, don't you?" Dean asked. "That's why Meg wants you to come alone."

Dad looked up with a smile. "I can handle her," he assured Dean. "I got a whole arsenal loaded... holy water, Mandaic amulets..." Before he could go on, Dean stopped him.

"Dad," he stated. Dad stopped and looked up at him. "Promise me something."

"What's that?" Dad asked. 

"This whole thing goes south, just get the hell out of there," Dean stated. "Don't get yourself killed, all right?" I could tell by his voice, that he was trying to hold back his emotions. "Your no use to us dead."

Dad nodded, understanding what Dean meant. "Same goes for you," he added. He pulled the real colt from his pocket. "All right, listen to me," He started. "They made the bullets special for this colt... there's only four of them left." He looked up at Dean. "Without them, this gun is useless... you make every shot count."

"Yes sir," The boys and I agreed. Though, my voice was quieter than the boys. 

Dad was silent for a second. "I've been waiting a long time for this fight." He looked back up at the boys. "Now it's here and I'm not gonna be a part of it... it's up to you boys now." I looked down at this, I should've known. "It's your fight... you finish this." The boys looked at each other. "You finish what I started... you understand?"

The boys nodded. Dad handed the colt to Dean. I watched him look it over, still holding back tears. We were all scared of what was gonna happen. Both to us and to dad. 

"See you soon, dad," Sam stated. He knew there was a good chance that dad would die. Dad wasn't one to back down from a fight, no matter how bad. We all had to pretend that dad would come back. 

Dad nodded and smiled again. Honestly, his smile had something... creepy in it. "See you later," he patted Sam on the shoulder before heading to his truck. 

Sam walked over to stand on the other side of me. I tucked an arm around him, mostly to comfort him.

"Later," Dean repeated, as if he didn't believe it. 

"I think he'll be okay," I stated. The boys looked over at me. "I mean, it's dad, he's always okay."

Dean nodded. "Yeah... we should get going, figure out a plan."

He headed to the drivers seat, getting in. I went to get in the back, but Sam grabbed my arm. 

"I just wanted to check in on you," he told me. "Make sure you're doing all right, you know, after everything that's happened."

I smiled up at him. I loved that I had two brothers who really cared for me. "I'm good, not super great, but... good." I admitted. "I'll feel a lot better if we kill this demon and Meg is gone."

"Me too," Sam agreed, giving me a smile. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "We should get going, Dean might run us over." I glanced to the man in the front seat. 

This was gonna be a tough fight, but as long as we stuck together, we would get through it.

Life as A Winchester Sister: Season 1Where stories live. Discover now