Introduction To Characters

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Hello and welcome to this story, this is the list of characters that will be in the story at this time.

Cheryl Smith - (39) Mother of 3 kids and wife of Philip (main character)
Philip Smith - (42) Father of 3 kids and husband of Cheryl (main character)
Patricia Smith - (21) Daughter of Cheryl + Philip, oldest child (side character)
Ben Smith - (16) Son of Cheryl + Philip, middle child (side character) 
Billy Smith - (13) Son of Cheryl + Philip, youngest child (side character)
Ann Johnson - (35) Sister of Cheryl, Philip's sneaky link (side character)
Victor Davis - (42) Neighbour of smiths, Cheryl's sneaky link (side character)
Mr Worldwide - (10) Pitbull breed dog of the smith family (side character)

Extra Information
This story is set in Houston Texas, Philip and Cheryl have been married 20 years and at this moment Cheryl is 39 while Philip is 42. They both met on and instantly fell inlove.

I'm not sure how far I will get in this story, also this story is based on made up alter egos made by me and my friend, some of this storyline may be a little silly but I'm going to try to be as serious as possible. Also mason if you see this I hope I did Philip justice, thank you💕

 Also mason if you see this I hope I did Philip justice, thank you💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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