chapter 1

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Red was one of Scarlet's most loyal subjects and he wasn't even originally from this world. Red had know Scarlet for quite sometime, he even was part of the group who supported Scarlet when she challenged her mother, for him it was more about gaining her trust than having her as queen, he knew she would win.

Red stretched as he prepared to go to the arena, his main job was to guard Scarlet while the prisoners fought. Red walked toward the arena, it was about time for Scarlet to go in and start the fighting.

Red decided to go check on Peril, she was kinda like a daughter to him, he had been assigned to watch over her when she was younger. Peril was simply laying down in her room, "Hey Peril, are you ready for today's thrilling fights." Red said in a joking manner, he knew Peril loved the fights but they were quite boring to him when he could always guess the end, Peril would never lose because of her flamescales.

Peril looked up at Red and said "Of course, I am ready to kill anyone who dares to fight me!" Red smiled as he said "Well good, anyway you want any good before, I could get you a cow or something?" Peril smiled back and said "Thanks, but I'll get myself something."

He left Peril alone as she began to get ready to hunt a bit. Red looked at the prisoners, a couple sandwings, icewings and seawings. Red had to wonder who would be fighting today? He then realized Scarlet wasn't here, she was usually here early but today she wasn't here.

Red but his tongue as he remembered something, it had almost been 7 years since the brightest night, Scarlet probably found the Dragonets of Destiny, but that begged the question why hadn't she gotten him to help her? He felt slightly betrayed if that was the case and Scarlet just decided she didn't want him there for some reason.

Red waited a bit and Scarlet came back to the arena with a rainwing, mudwing, seawing, and nightwing. Red knew she had done something else with the sandwing and Kestrel. He looked at Scarlet and bowed "Queen Scarlet, may I ask why you didn't invite me to help get new prisioners, especially a nightwing?"

Scarlet looked at him and said "I needed to get them quickly, and I clearly didn't need you, so don't question me." Red bowed again, Scarlet was probably right but in his years in this world he and her have been close friends and this felt like a slight betrayal. Red hated himself for feeling betrayed, he got some reason loved Scarlet despite her evil and selfish personality.

Red then quietly asked "Why are we keep a mudwing as prisoner?" He already knew the answer but nobody else knew he knew. "Well if you must know," Scarlet began with a smirk, "They are the so called Dragonets of Destiny, consider it a so to be birthday present to myself." Red looked at Scarlet with a questioning look, "Really? The Dragonets from that weird prophecy, well, what about the rainwing?"

Scarlet looked at the Rainwing and smiled "Another gift for myself, she's a beautiful pet isn't she?" Red nodded and said, "Well I suggest keeping Burn far away from her, if she sees it she might want to kill it." Scarlet looked at Red and said "Don't worry, if she does I'll make her pay for touching my treasure." Red nodded, he knew the Rainwing wasn't a treasure but he wouldn't dare to argue with Scarlet.

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