18: Jo you gotta jump

Comenzar desde el principio

"there's another door, i'll check" he said flicking through the channels "is that her" he asked as there was blurry footage of a girl being dragged from the room

"it has to be right?" Shoupe said looking closer at the screen

"great security y'all have here. Someone can just get dragged out kicking and screaming and no one bats an eye" I snapped

"you are on the psych ward" Shoupe shrugged

"shut the fuck up man, we don't have time for this" I said walking towards the stairs

"JJ whats the plan exactly" John B shouted after me

"I don't know yet. But i'm gonna find her....whatever it takes. So Shoupe, you're gonna find that car and figure out where its going. John B you're gonna rally up the troops and I....well i'm gonna go get the one person I know will help"

"And whos that?" John B asked

"you'll see" I said turning around and leaving


Jo's POV:

"Where are we?" I asked stepping out of the car looking around and looking up at an old grey cement building next to a large lake.. We had been driving for a little over an hour at least.

"It's an adoption home Jo" Cheryl said walking up beside me "I told you i would find you a safe place to live and these people will get you that" she smiled

"oh yea...super safe kidnapping me from a hospital, locking me in a van and handing me off to some strangers" I snapped

"you were due to be discharged Jo, don't be so dramatic, now come on" She said walking towards the building but i didn't follow "Jo, are you coming"

"Cheryl please....I know you're not some stone cold evil hearted bitch. I-I just want to talk to my brother.... please" 

"and you can. Once we get you all set up in your new room I will arrange a phone call with him" She smiled "look Jo, i'm not the enemy here"

"the whole kidnapping thing says otherwise"

"Jo, whatever you need to help settle in we will do for you. Look, I don't like what I had to do back there, but you were just hospitalised due to a drug overdose, you have two trespassing charges against you, multiple physical assault charges, as does your brother and your boyfriend. You need a parental figure in your life and it pains me to watch you drive off into the deep end"

"don't act like you know me. You know nothing about my life" I snapped

"I know that you're young and you're probably scared. You're upset that your mother left you, you're upset that your father died and i'm here to help you"

"I want to see my brother" I said starting to cry. May as well try act my way out of this "you-you didn't even let me say goodbye"

"we are looking for him too Jo, hopefully he will be joining you and maybe you will be sent to the same home. To a new loving family"

"I DON'T WANT A NEW FAMILY" I said finally snapping "my friends are my family, my brother is my only family left. No one can replace what they are to me"

"with a new family to live with your friends can always come visit. This isn't a prison, you will still have your old life, just with parental figures"

"i had parental figures. I had a bitch of a mother that left us with nothing and a deadbeat dad that cared more about a treasure hunt than his own fucking children. I don't need new parents. I need my brother. John B is the only person who has been there for me"

The Summer is ours// JJ MaybankDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora