chapter 17

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A few days had passed since the party incident and the tension in the group was rising, nobody had spoken about what happened at the party and Brad still hadn't apologised to me.

"Mcvey, on your left." I looked over my shoulder to see Ella walking with her dinner,

"Call her over, she can sit with us." Connor smiled, budging up towards Tristan to make room. I shook my head,

"So Brad can flirt with her again? No I'm good." The table fell silent and Connor scooted back into his original place as Ella passed, I glanced up at her but she completely ignored me and sat down with Hope and Danni.

"You're just ruining it for yourself James," Brad began,

"I didn't fück her or anything, I just gave her my t-shirt. Loosen up a little." I looked up at him and sipped my drink,

"You best not fück her. Did she give you the top back?" He shook his head,

"No, she text me asking if I wanted it back so I said not really and I guess she kept it." I glared at him before standing up from the table and walking away, pulling my bag onto my back as I did so. Brad was definitely going to get in the way of me and Ella, it was clear as day. I gave her my top and my jumper and she gave them me both back, but Brad's little cheap shirt she kept?

I couldn't decide who I was more mad at so the last few hours of school went well, Tris and Con sat with me and Brad ended up sitting at the desk next to Ella's, keeping her company. Throughout the lessons I couldn't help but look over to see what was happening and I never liked what I saw. She was either laughing quietly at his jokes or they were sitting pretty close together with their heads bowed, looking at the work. That should be me over there, I'm the one that's supposed to be winning her over for this stupid bet.

The end of the day rolled round and I dashed outside, locking my eyes on the entrance for any sign of Ella. Waves of people left the school and I watched them all, every now and again looking behind me, just in case I'd missed her. After ten minutes I got a little concerned and decided to text her,

James: El, where are you? I've been waiting for ages x

As I waited for a response, a strong arm swung around my shoulder and I turned to see Connor smiling away.

"Hey mate, why are you still here?" I questioned,

"I got ditched by the other boys so I thought I'd find you, plus I want to go that new music shop on Basecutt Street if you're up for it?" I nodded and let him continue rambling on about the new shop as I read my text.

Ella: I thought you had gone so I walked back with Brad and Tris :) x

"Con-" I cut him off and he stopped talking,


"You know how the boys ditched you, did they say where they were going?"

"They mentioned TGI Fridays or something but I didn't get an invite." I slipped my phone into my pocket and began walking, pulling Con along with me.

"I bet they took Ella there." I mumbled as we reached the bus stop,

"James, you know I don't take busses." I fished my money out of my pocket and shrugged,

"Neither do I, but we need to get there as soon as possible."


When we finally arrived in town we walked rather quickly inside and up the stairs,

"Can I ask you something Con?" I said, he looked up from his phone and nodded.

"Of course man, anything."

"Should I just give up trying to get Ella to go to prom with me and take Brad's date instead?" He let out a laugh and put his hand on my shoulder,

"If you do that then Brad is guaranteed to win the bet, keep Ella, she's nice." I nodded in agreement and we made our way over to TGI Fridays, we were seated and thankfully they hadn't arrived yet.

"So how is your prom date coming along?" I asked, Connor shrugged slightly.

"I've not really been trying, I can't be dealing with the same sort of drama you're going through if Tristan offers her his sock or something." I rolled my eyes at Connor before we both started laughing, it did seem pretty pathetic that we were arguing over a top, but Ella was in the wrong too, not just Brad.

"So I'm guessing you brought me here to see if Brad shows up with Ella rather than brining me here to treat one of your best friends to a nice meal." Connor said, looking over at the doors.

"Yeah but you can think of it a treat if you want to, because I'm such a lovely person of course." He laughed and we both stopped as we saw Tris, Brad and Ella all walking towards the entrance.

"I knew it!" I hissed, they were too caught up in conversation to realise that they were being seated two tables from us.

"Keep your cool James, I want to eat before we get kicked out." I nodded and waited for the waiter to come over, he took our orders and left.

"I need to go over Con, can't we just magically join their table?" He shook his head,

"No thank you." I tilted my head at him and laughed.

"Can I at least go up on my own then? Pretend I wasn't expecting to see them here and all that." He looked over at their table and nodded,

"If you really want to then be my guest, but just keep the drama to a bare minimum because I've ordered an Oreo milkshake and I am not leaving here without it." I shoved his head slightly as I got up to walk over to their table, however just as I stepped closer two arms wrapped around my neck and a flash of red appeared in front of my eyes. I looked round to see Luna smiling widely at me,

"I can't believe you're here James! Hey!" She wrapped her arms around me for a hug, so I gladly hugged her back, squeezing her a little.

"I can't believe you're here either," I laughed, frowning when I saw Brad and Ella staring at us.

"I know, I thought I was going to have to wait until your next performance to see you. I must say Mcvey, you dress to impress." She ran her hands up and down my torso, admiring my basic clothing.

"You're one to talk, you look - woah." I said, admiring her petite figure. She leant up and kissed my cheek,

"Join us at our table? There's only me and my friend" I looked over at Ella's table and she did not look happy, she glared at me before lowering her head. Just as I was about to turn Luna down, Brad snaked his arm around Ella's waist and she leant in to him. If we were going to play the jealousy game then count me in.

"Sure babe, let me get Con." I put my hand on her lower back and followed her to her table, hitting Connor on the shoulder so he would follow me.

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