Chapter 11

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You and Ellie both remained silent as you eyed him cautiously while trying to figure out a plan of escape.

"If you wanna judge me-"

"Judge you? You're eating people, you sick fuck!" Ellie yelled, kicking the tray of food at him causing David to take a step back with a disappointed look on his face.

"If you let us go, we'll just leave. You won't see us again, I swear." You said, still sitting on the ground in the middle of the cage because you weren't sure if you would pass out if you tried to stand right now.

"If I let you out that cage right now, give you your gun back, you would shoot me in a heartbeat and this one..." He said pointing at Ellie. "If I put that knife in hers, she'd stick me in a second. You both have a violent heart. And I should know. I've always had a violent heart. And I struggled with it for a long time. But then the world ended and I was shown the truth."

"Right, by God." Ellie replied.

"By Cordyceps."

You zoned out David's mindless words and scanned the room for any potential exits, but even if you somehow got out this cage, there was only one door in this room, and it was behind him. You took note of the butcher knives and cleavers hanging up on the wall to his left, but there was no way to get to them.

Ellie was now standing close to David at the front of the cage. You were about to tell her to take a step away before she suddenly snapped one of his fingers and reached for the keys hanging off his belt.

David grunted in pain but was quick to react and the keys fell to the ground before Ellie could properly grab them. She knelt down to reach for them through the bars, but David grabbed the collar of her shirt and slammed her against the bars instead.

"Hey! Don't fucking touch her!" You screamed, jumping to your feet, but that turned out to be a horrible idea because the room around you began to spin and you quickly grabbed hold of the metal bars to your left to stop yourself from falling back to the floor.

"You little cunt." David hissed, snatching the keys up off the floor and grabbing his injured finger. "Let's see what I go tell the others now."

"Ellie." She said softly.


"Tell them that Ellie is the little girl who broke your fucking finger!" She yelled, her voice full of rage.

"How did you put it? 'Tiny little pieces'?" David asked before he turned and walked out the room, closing the door behind himself.

"Are you okay?" You asked, looking over at Ellie who turned to face you, her nose now bleeding. "Come here."

Ellie walked over and stopped in front of you, her rage and anger from earlier completely gone, now replaced with pure fear as she looked up at you.

"I won't let anything happen to you, okay? I promise." You insisted, grabbing her shoulder and squeezing it gently.

"You can't promise that." She whispered.

"I can and I will."

Ellie looked like she wanted to argue, but kept her mouth shut while you used the end of your sleeve to wipe away the blood under her nose. She watched you while you worked, her eyes flashing up to the cut on your forehead.

"You're bleeding more than me." She pointed out.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about me. Now, let's try and find a weak point in this damn cage and get out of here." You instructed and Ellie nodded.

There wasn't much time to look for any weak points because a minute later, the front door slammed open and a pissed off looking David marched inside followed by another man. Oh, this wouldn't be good.

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