Chapter 1

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Ciotadelpcia was a city of economics and royalty. It was one of the most advanced countries in the world-a city of money. Now, in the corner of this little money land was a city called Hokadowa under Sector 4's-Point E. It was a standardized city filled with buildings upon buildings.

On its upper corner was Natsume High School. A school for the academic gymnasts. It wasn't the brightest school but it wasn't the worst either. It stayed top 8 in the overall ranking of schools so it still carried some fame.

Most students that goes here was smart of the smartest. They wore pink skirts and white blouse for girls and a blue gakuran for boys. It was a co-education institution that promotes the equality between men and women. As an academic school this school entirely supports all academic advances that each student makes so they really lack the manpower and spotlight that a sports oriented school has. Through the past years this school had lost its spark. Unless they are the cream of the top, dual-ace school like Lutherium Science University that holds the top position, they could only continue to pray more.

The number 1 reason why Natsume became 8th in their ranking was because of the students they had for the past years. Most students under Natsume high School couldn't be bothered by anything else that does not meet their eyes.

It was a school for smart and genius students who knew every subject at the back of their hand but the expected competition between pears is nonexistent. The energy for competition has dwindled down in the last 14 years that the fearsome Natsume High School of before cannot be found but instead has become an old lazy cat with claws hidden.

Today was an unusual day for Natsume high school students, it was far from their lazy day in school because today was their school sports day so each student and clubs were busy and aside from that there was a special visit from the number 1 rank school-Lutherium Science Academy due to the school exchange program.

The school exchange program was passed by the Board of Education to help each school develop efficiently. It was a project that aims to guide students in becoming sufficient and active in regards to their own school, and of course other schools as well, and society as a whole.

The Dean could only hope that with this visit an exchange of ideas would occur, and a spark of might could inspire his dear students to start thriving. It was a hard task being the Dean for the past years and watching his dear school become what it was now. So he will really do his best and make the most out of this visit.

Moxxi turned around. His light blond hair flutters in each move. The construction of Natsume High School was plain and boring. It was outdated and some facilities were lacking equipment as well. Not like their well equipped and high-end classrooms in Lutherium Science University. It feels as though he was visiting a third rate school.

Both Deans were still sharing their ideas, and laughter would echo behind him. The rest of his group had their own world with their phones.

"I'm currently in Natsume High everyone! I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys yesterday. It's a school activity and Dean forbade us from saying anything." Lochu said while waving at his fans from his live stream. It was full of hearts and he look really pitiful. Lochu was a famous game streamer he had thousands of fans. He started introducing everyone.

Then came Moxxi's turn-
"This is Moxxi! You sure will be familiar to him! His the youngest Sahara heir! Moxxi! Say 'hello'. We're friends so its fine!" Lochu jumped a little bit and hook his arm on Moxxi's neck forcing Moxxi to crouch down to Lochu's height then awkwardly wave at the camera that was too close to his liking.

"Ah? Should I move the camera? Ok. Ok. Wait." Lochu asked his fans who said 'yes'. He extended his camera stick and asked everyone to say their 'hellos' everyone lightly did so.

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