Thirteen | The First Time

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I checked out of the hotel and got into the car that was waiting for me. Hasan greeted me respectfully and asked me where I wanted to go.

"To Angela's house," I said.  "They live in a small townhouse in the upper east side about an hour away from here. It's their son's birthday today."

"I see. Well, congratulations to him," Hasan respond back politely before getting the car back on the road.

"Thank you," I said.

I leaned back in the seat and closed my eyes. I was tired from the long flight and the stressful meeting that I had just finished. I had come to New York on a business trip, to negotiate a deal with a big client. It had been a success, but it had also been exhausting. I needed a break.

I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. The city was buzzing with life and energy, but I felt detached from it. I didn't belong here. I belonged in a quieter place, where I could relax and enjoy the company of my family.

I thought about my nephew, who was turning ten today. He was a smart and sweet kid, who loved art and had a talent for it. He was always drawing and painting and sculpting, and he had a collection of artworks that he had made or received as gifts. 

I suddenly realized that I had forgotten something important. I had not bought him a gift yet.

How could I be so careless? I had been so busy with work that I had neglected to get him something special for his birthday. Something that would show him how much I cared.

I felt a pang of guilt and panic. What was I going to do? I couldn't show up empty-handed. That would be rude and disappointing.

I looked at the time on my phone. It was 4:30 pm. I still had some time before the dinner, which was at 6:00 pm. Maybe I could find something on the way.

I asked the driver to stop at the next store that sold gifts or art supplies. He nodded and drove on.

As we rolled past a street corner, I saw a sign that caught my eye. It said: "Emerald Eye Gallery".

A thought hit me. Maybe I could find something there. Something unique and original, something that my nephew would love.

"Hey, can you turn around and go back to that gallery?" I asked the driver.

"Sure, no problem," he said.

He made a U-turn and drove back to the gallery.

I got out of the car and told him to wait for me.

I walked into the gallery, hoping to find the perfect gift for my nephew.

The inside of the shop was bright and colorful, filled with paintings, sculptures, and other artworks. I browsed through the displays, feeling bored and impatient. 

I didn't understand or appreciate any of these things. They seemed like a waste of time and money to me.

I was about to leave when I saw her. She was standing behind the counter, smiling at me. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long blonde hair that cascaded over her shoulders, and emerald eyes that sparkled like jewels. She wore a simple white dress that hugged her curves and a necklace with a pendant that matched her eyes. She looked like an angel.

"Hello," she said in a sweet voice. "Welcome to my gallery. I'm Mia."

I felt my heart skip a beat. I was speechless for a moment, then managed to say: "Hi, I'm James. I'm just looking for a gift for my nephew."

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