The mall (pt.1)

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Olivia and Emma are best friends since 2nd grade and They were practically sisters at that point. One day they decided to go to the mall together. (Yes they're much older now)

Saturday, 11:42 A.M
"I can't wait to get inside!! I wonder what they have today!" Emma says, ecstatic to enter the mall. "We're almost there, just walk a little bit faster" Olivia replies, with a eye-rolling tone. The two girls finally made it to the front of the mall and open the doors to go inside. "No matter how many times we come here this place always seems to be different..." Emma says, looking around. Olivia agrees and they keep walking. They end up at the first clothing store they want to go to and enter. They look around to find some tank tops, shorts and really any summer wear you can think of. "Do you think this looks nice on me Emma?" Emma looks at Olivia and replies "Oh my gosh, that looks so good... you'll definitely pull all of the guys" Olivia gets flustered but moves on to the next section. After looking around aimlessly, they finally take everything they found to the cash register to ring it all up. Finally they leave and go to another store. They both caught a smell of pretzels which made them both really want on. They were walking to the pretzel stand. They go to the front and and ask if they can get one cinnamon powdered and an almond one. After still looking around from store to store, they finally come across an adult store that had just opened up.

"Woah what is this place" Olivia questions to which Emma quickly replies with "I don't know but let's go inside." Olivia agrees and they both walk inside. "Woah this place is jammed packed with all sorts of sexy things." Emma says. Olivia looks around while whispering "ugh I wish I had a boyfriend who's willing to do this sort of stuff with me." Emma looks at her with a serious face "what?" She asks. "Yea I know, I know, it's not like me but secretly I'm actually extremely kinky" Olivia giggles and Emma is stunned since she's never thought of Olivia as the type of person who would want to be into this stuff. "Do you really like bdsm and all of that kinky stuff??" Emma asks. Olivia doesn't say anything but grin at her. Emma looks at her, then takes her hand and leads her out of the store. The two try to find a place where there's no one. After about 5 minutes of searching they found a small hallway where there was no one. Emma looks at Olivia and takes out her purse, then pulls a small card out. "You like that hardcore stuff right? Like the chains, bondage, gags, dildos, vibrators, all of that stuff right?" Olivia nods her head and Emma hands her the card. The front of the card says in big letters "welcome to the club" you turn it around to find information about this place like the location, how to get in, the price, and a access code that you have to tell the person at the front desk. Emma looks up and says "this is some serious hardcore shit, like some secret society that no one knows about. It's for the true kinky people." Olivia looks up back at Emma. "The induction is only one Monday a month at 9:30 pm and you're in luck if you really want to join because it's happening this Monday. Be there wearing something that's not casual, but not fancy either but definitely sexy. Got it?" Olivia was confused but said sure. Then they both agreed to go home.

6:47 PM
Olivia looks down at the card while sitting on her couch in her Apartment. She questions what this place is and she doesn't know if she should go even though she's extremely kinky and wanted someone to be kinky with her. Then more and more questions started to flood in. "How does Emma even know about this place? What do I have to wear exactly? What are they going to do there to me?"  Olivia takes a deep sigh and think "well let me look up the location, Emma said it was in an alleyway." After looking the place up and ad for a doctor specializing in intimacy between couples came up. Maybe she typed it in wrong? She didn't know and tried again and the same ad popped up. Olivia started to get tired from trying to look it up and instead started to watch tv till she fell asleep.

Sunday, 10:42 A.M
"Shit! Oh god it's so late..." she gets up and realized that it's a weekend and she doesn't have to go anywhere. She sees a text from Emma asking if she was going to go to the secret society thing. Olivia thinks for a second then agrees to go. She gets another text from Emma "Great! Just one small thing... I'm not going tomorrow, I've already been inducted so there's no need for me to go." She looked at her phone with a straight face and texted back "yea but idk where I'm going?" "Don't worry you'll figure it out. It's like a navy blue door and says some sort of doctor thing. Once you go inside tell the lady at the front the code that's on the back of the card" you realize then that the address you typed in last night was correct. Throughout the entire day, Olivia was thinking about what this "secret  society" thing was all about. Even looking up the name on the card up on the internet and there were no results. Then, she decided to pick out an outfit for tomorrow and kept Emma's words in consideration. She found a black, sparkly dress that really showed off the sides of her thighs and put an emphasis on her boobs. Despite the way the dress looked, it was still something that could be warn out to a dinner or a party but defiantly not just a casual hangout. And with that all sorted out, Olivia was finally ready for tomorrow. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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