[Eternal Paradise Faith Club]

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[Just letting you know :))]

3rd person POV

As Akaza was just settling, the Door swung open. Akaza opened his eyes to what he didn't want to see. Douma. As pure shock paralyzed him for a moment or two, Douma, Just stared."Akaza-Dono! Did you come visit me because you miss me?? :D" Douma chirped. Akaza was now stable enough to speak, "No, you dumbass, I needed shelter from the sun." "Ah! So that means you can't leave! You have to spend the day with me!!^^"

A:That's the problem.!

D:Why so harsh, love?~

A: What did you just call me.?/////💢Oh gosh! My face must be so red!! Why did this fluster me?! I hate him!. .. But.. oh. How I love him.. NO Snap out of it!!

D: love? Akaza-Dono? Akaza.? Woah.. He's quite red~ So calling him names like 'love' makes him Flustered? Hm.~ how interesting~ I'll just tease him more then!~
And i'll start by cuddling him!

Douma picked up akaza and headed to his 'throne' room. All eyes were on the pinkette. Nobody dared to even speak To Douma. They were to scared of.. Akaza. A feeling he was used to.
As Douma sat down on his 'chair'(Idk what it's called ( T▾T)) He seated Akaza on his lap. That's when Akaza got back his senses. And realized who he was practically sitting on.

(That's how they look like btw, I got it from my friend as you can see by the TikTok thing ^^)

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(That's how they look like btw, I got it from my friend as you can see by the TikTok thing ^^)

A: HA?! WHA////💢-

The pinkette's sentence was cut off by Douma's hand.

D: Akaza-Dono! You must be quiet!! My followers will think I'm in 'danger' and burst in through the door! Maybe even the walls!! ( T▾T)

All was heard was Akaza's muffled screams, but after a minute he calmed down a bit.

D: Ok Akaza-Dono! Once I remove my hand, You won't yell, right?

The pinkette gave a small, annoyed nod.
Douma then slowly removed his hand from Akaza's mouth.

A: You're a bitch../// 💢

D: fufu.. you're such a tsundure!~

A: WH-

Doukaza  [ Douma X Akaza ]Where stories live. Discover now