Stress Relief

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(3rd Person POV)

Once Scout had drove around the Red and Blu teams bases he sped down the road to the building where the meeting was taking place. He was about to be five minutes late and he was mentally kicking himself for it. The man started to wonder how worried his team was, I mean he just randomly woke up after being passed out for way too long and sprinting out without telling anyone a word. Well he had talked to Spy which most likely explained everything to them. Or at least explain the lie he told.

Once he pulled into the driveway of the building he got out of the car and fixed his hair. He strolled into the building and walked in the exact directions he remember reading on the paper. Up the stairs and into the meeting room on the left. Once he walked into the room he saw the administrator at the head of a long table and two older men and one that looked around Engineers age. Two of the men looked practically identical except one was in a red suit and the other in blue. The third one looked fairly familiar, but the mercenary couldn't quite figure out who it was. "Uhm I'm sorry fellas I didn't mean to be late, just lost track of time." Scout smiled nervously as all the eyes in the room were on him. The administrator spoke out of the silence. "Please sit Jeremy." Scout immediately followed orders and sat at a chair at least two chairs down from the man in the red suit.

The time seemed to drag on as the meeting went on. Just talking about how they would get more ammo supply and how they should dispose of the body's in a different fashion to get it done faster. Scout couldn't focus and tried to look like he was listening, nodding here and there but he was completely zoned out. Halfway through it just hit Scout. The third man was Saxton Hale! It was weird seeing him actually wearing a shirt and not shorts but pants for once in his life. All of a sudden Scouts thoughts were interrupted by the administrator ending the meeting and saying they could leave. Except for Scout. He held in his groan and he stood up waiting for the other men to leave. He stepped next to the administrator. "Yeah miss what'cha need me for?" The merc asked. She turned to him, towering over him menacingly. "Why were you late? You're supposed to be on time and efficient. I know it's your first day at this whole thing but I'm not just going to go and be nice to you for it being your first day." She said with a glare darting into his eyes. "Well ma'am I had to go see Medic so I wasn't all cut up and bruised and I looked presentable. But one of the guys went before me so I had no choice but to wait. I'm sorry I made ya guys wait." He explained. She said nothing, only made a "hm" sound. She made a shooing gesture with her hand and Scout left. Finally all his work was over and he could go to his room and either sleep or watch TV.

Scout made his way out of the building and into the van. He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt then started up to the van and drove back to the base. He parked right where he originally was got out of the front seat and walked into the building and straight up to his room. Nobody was in the living room to stop and talk to him, thank god. He walked into the room and he got changed out of his nice clothes into a red T-shirt some slippers and black sweatpants, not bothering to mess with his hat or headset.


Scout sat on the foot of his bed and immediately layed back. He stared at the ceiling for a few minutes just trying to entertain himself with his thoughts. He immediately got bored and sat up. "You know what I'm just gonna go annoy Snipes." He mumbled to himself. He kicked off the slippers and put on his sneakers, walking down the stairs and out of the building straight to the Australians camper. He always wondered how ever since he started to hang out with Sniper why he always felt so different around him. He constantly felt happy and welcome in his presence. Usually in their conversations Scout would do all the talking but whenever Sniper engaged Scout never interrupted and listened very well. Unlike what he did with the others.

He made it to the camper and knocked on the door. Inside there was a muffled "Comin' mate!" from Sniper. Scout rocked back and forth on his feet while waiting for the door to open. Sniper opened the door and leaned in the doorway. "Hey 'Roo I'm glad you're okay you gave the whole team a heart attack." He asked, sounding more energetic than usual. Not like Scout or Pyro energetic, just like he got sleep. Which definitely was out of the ordinary. "Well I had to run to Ma's to help her with somethin'. But I'm bored so can we hang out?" The shorter man said. Sniper nodded and got out of the doorway for Scout to walk in then shut the door behind him. The runner plopped himself right onto the couch where he always sits. "You want something to drink?" Said the Australian. "Nah I'm fine thanks Snipes."

Scout crossed his legs and put his hands behind his head, getting comfy. Sniper nodded and sat right next to him. "So, Snipes how'd the games go without me? You mighta told me already I don't remember." The Bostonian gave a chuckle after starting up the conversation. "Well we almost lost the intelligence five different times because we decided that Spy was gonna take your place in getting it. And he kept going visible at the wrong timing. Engineers fixing that issue though." Sniper explained. Scout nodded and moved his arms and put them around the back of the couch. Sniper took off his sunglasses and threw them on to the counter. "Well, once Ma's all better then we don't gotta worry about losing the intelligence. Or losing in general! By the way who saved the intelligence? Was it you? 'Cause I mean I bet you can run like the wind man!" Scout stopped himself from a rant to let the Aussie speak.

"I can't run like the wind but I did help yes." While Sniper was speaking Scout was watching him, observing all his facial features. How his adams apple moved while he spoke. Sniper looked over at Scout and gave out a slightly laugh. "What're you so focused on. You've got that look on your face like you're heavily focused on something." When Sniper said that Scout came back to reality and immediately apologized. "Sorry man I was listening! Just really focused on what you're saying." The Australian turned on the couch to fully face Scout. "Don't lie to me 'Roo you've got something else on your mind, it's got to do with me though. I can tell by the way you're lookin' at me." The man said with a slight smirk on his face. Snipers voice had deepened itself with strictness which made Scouts face become bright red.

The Bostonian opened his mouth to defend himself but no words had come out. He closed it in defeat. The Australians lips formed a smirk. "Well? Where's all that Boston boast now 'Roo?" The deep voice spoke. He was basically teasing Scout and it sent a shiver down Scouts spine but kept his composure. "You know damn well, what I was thinkin' Snipes." Scout spat at him in a playful way. The Bostonian crossed his arms and leaned closer to the Aussie with a joking glare. "I know just your reaction is funny when I call you out. Especially in that specific tone." Sniper said looking at the other man from over his sunglasses. Scout started to think of what to say or do next, but got lost in that dark gaze of Snipers. His deep eyes staring straight into his soul and that made sent Scout on the edge of folding.

Sniper hesitantly put a hand on his team mates cheek and presses their lips together. Scout melted in to the kiss, feeling the Aussies stubble against his chin, his warm lips against his own. The Bostonian moved his arms onto the other man's shoulders and Sniper moving his hand from Scouts cheek to the back of his neck. The kiss felt smooth, not at all rushed but heated. The kiss broke each of their noses pressed up against the others. Scout smiled and opened his eyes halfway. The Australian pulled him back in, their lips connecting once more. Scout moved closer to his teammate moving himself onto Snipers lap, pressing his body against the other man's.

The runners lips slightly parted and Sniper took that as an opportunity to slip his tongue into the other man's mouth. That caused the smile on Scouts lips to grow a tad wider. After a minute they broke the kiss, their breathing very heavy. Sniper chuckles lightly and puts his hands into Scouts thighs. "Honestly this isn't how I expected my evening to go but I'm not complaining at all Bunnyboy." Sniper said with a slight smirk and his voice deep. Scouts cheeks were red and became a deeper red when he said that nickname Bunnyboy. He already had a decent bulge in his pants. The both of them did. The runners bulge twitched at the feeling of the Aussies hands on his thighs and the nickname he heard.

The bushman started to kiss the other man's neck and hand slithering right underneath his shirt as well. Scout tilted his head back, trying to hold back whimpers. He didn't want Sniper to know he whimpered. Because it'd be embarrassing for someone like scout to whimper. He's probably gonna figure out at some point during this night though. Yet the man decided he'd hold it back.

☆~So I've been meaning to publish this for so many months so I decided to publish the first half of them.~☆

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 25 ⏰

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