The first day on the job

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(3rd person POV)

Scout parked outside of the building and walked in. He followed signs that led to her office. As he got to the door he sighed and knocked on it. He was obviously terrified I mean she knew everything about him and also she could fire him at any point and everything would be horrible for him. His freaking out was interrupted by a woman's voice on the other side of the door telling him to come in. He opened the door and closed it behind him.

"Hello ma'am I'm here for uh fillin' in for Miss Paulin' for a few days." He said trying to sound like he wasn't at all afraid. She turned her chair to look at him. She stood up and put her hands behind her back. "Can't believe she chose you of all people.. But it'll do. Now just so you know, if you're even five minutes late to any of these simple tasks then, let's just say I won't be so kind to your team." She said slowly stepping towards the Scout. She was a tad bit taller than him which definitely scared the man.

Scout nodded in agreement. "Now, shoo shoo," she said while shooing him away. He speed walked out closing the door behind himself. He sighed as soon as he was out of the building and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt. He walked to the van, hopped in, and started it up. "Alright first on the list is uhhh," he looked at the list. "Bury bodies. Yayyyy." He said sarcastically.

He drove to the area all of the bodies ended up after each battle. He hopped out of the van and opened up the back. "Now how the hell am I gonna put this all in the van. Shit." Eventually after dragging one body at a time for around an hour all the bodies were in and he was driving to a nice private place for all them to go. Once he arrived he hopped out of the van and grabbed a shovel and got to burying.

"Holy shit I have mad respect for this woman. Can't believe she goes through this torture." He complained while throwing the shovel back into the van. He had just finished burying the last body and didn't do a bad job at all. He got back into the van and drove to the base. He now had to go through at least a few painstaking rounds and try to keep this secret from the team.

He put in his favorite Tom Jones disc into the van and blasted it once Sex Bomb came on. He sang along while watching the road. And swerving quite a bit since there were quite a few animals in the road that day for some reason. But he didn't worry about it and once he drove on the grounds of the battlefield he saw Spy waiting for him at the red bases entrance. He sighed and parked the van and got out. He completely forgot of an excuse to tell them all. Not to mention he'd also need an excuse for the purple.

"So Scout. Where have you been the last three hours hm?" Spy spoke up. Scout rolled his eyes. "I was takin' care of ma. She's sick and my brothas aren't in town at the moment." Scout explained. It was a flawless excuse especially since he came up with it on the spot. Spy put his hands on his hips. "Well you should've informed us. Also you're not wearing your uniform?" Spy asked raising an eyebrow. Scout adjusted his hat so his eyes could be seen better. "Well I didn't want to wear my dirty uniform to ma's and this something different than the usual." The shorter man walked around the French and into the base.

He was met with everyone sitting in the lounge area playing a card game. Soldier immediately stood up and slammed his cards on the table. "WHERE WERE YOU MAGGOT!! WE LOST A GAME BECAUSE OF YOUR ABSENCE!!" The Soldier yelled in his direction. Scout walked upstairs ignoring the question. He was so done and tired already and didn't wanna deal with Soldiers screaming. Spy explained everything to Soldier and sat onto the couch. Sniper got up. "I'mma go check on him somethin' is obviously bothering him." The Australian walked up the stairs and to Scouts bedroom door. He knocked on it.

"Gimme a sec I'm changin'!" Scout yelled to him on the opposite side of the door. "Who even is it?" Sniper crosses his arms. "It's Sniper." The Aussie said tapping his foot. Scout opened up the door in full uniform except for his hat and headset. "Whatcha need Snipes? Wanna come in?" The shorter man asked. "I just was wondering what was wrong, you seem extremely exhausted." Scout sighed. "Oh ya know just takin' care o' ma is hard work." The Bostonian moved out of the doorway so Sniper could come in and he could explain further. The Aussie walked into the room and sat at the foot of the bed.

"I mean especially when my brothas aren't around to help me. The woman kept refusing she was sick and kept trying to get up and stuff." Scout explained while sitting on the ground to face Sniper. The taller man nodded. "Right, so are you at least gonna be here for the last few rounds?" He scratched at his stubble while asking. Scout nodded leaning back against the wall. This honestly made him Scout all giddy inside that Sniper cared for him so much. He couldnt ever shake this happiness he felt around the taller man.

"Yeah just the next few days should be like this then everything will go back to normal. Hopefully." Sniper could see in Scouts look that he honestly enjoyed this type of affection. The simplest of things pleased Scout and Sniper always did those small things just to see Scouts contentment. Scout got up from the ground and sat next to Sniper.

"Ya know I've always wondered. How come you always seem to come talk to me or hang out with me at the drop of a hat but not the rest of the team?" Scout asked curiously. "'Cause you do all the talkin' for me and also I'd rather listen about your lady drama or whatever it is at this point then about Sasha or how Medic broke Heavys ribs again." The sniper replied looking over at the shorter man. Scout opened up his mouth to reply then heard Spy yell up the stairs for the both of them.

☆~OMG I FINALLY GOT TO FINISHING THIS CHAPTER YIPPEEE!!!! Also we are not gonna talk about my obsession over Speeding Bullet. Y'ALL CAN'T STOP ME!!!! Anywho I'm sorry this took forever Track is taking over my life and I'm going to Comic Con this Saturday at C2E2 in Chicago!!~☆

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