"And I thought Goddess' were supposed to be powerful." Steve chides.

"I was holding back." she says dubiously. Then she reaches up a hand and pushes Steve's right shoulder hard, using the leverage to lift her hips from under his and turn her body, tipping the scales so that Steve ends up falling onto his back lying on the mat under her, instead of the other way round.

"Goddess, two. Midgardian, one." she says triumphantly, leaning down to his face below her. Her face is so close to his, but she holds it there, teasing. After a few tantalizing seconds, she kisses him on the lips, quick and sweet, and jumps back up off him to her feet.

Steve gets up after her, his cheeks a little pink from the encounter, and they both stand for a minute, catching their breath and cracking bones, stretching out again. Bless Rogers' little innocent heart.

The Captain throws a hard punch in Freya's stomach, making her go flying back.

''Odin's beard, you're weak!''

Steve scoffs, his mouth fallen agape in disbelief. ''I spoke to Natasha, she told me I should intimidate my opponent more when fighting.'' Freya explains with a grin, making the Captain nod and chuckle.

''Lay it on me, doll.''

The Goddess lounges forward, but he suddenly knocks her down. Freya tries to get up, but Steve pins her arms behind her back.

She tries to wiggle from his grasp, but due to his strength she is unsuccessful.

''A-ha! Goddess, two. Midgardian, two!'' Steve cockily exclaims, standing up with a proud grin. Freya rolls her eyes, but fails to hide the amusement from the grin on her lips.

The Goddess of Love and War giggles, pinning Rogers down on the ground again with multiple punches and kicks.

Her head hovers mere inches above his, and Freya's eyes involuntary flicker to his lips.

Steve crashes his lips into hers, their mouths move feverishly against each others as he quickly gets up. The Captain shifts Freya on his laps, his tongue dominating hers.

The two breathlessly pull apart after minutes, their foreheads leaning against one another's as they catch their breaths.

''I love you.''

''I love you too, I'll love you forever.''

''Forever, wow. That's a long time.''

⭑ ⭑ ⭑

''Or when we sneaked off during the Howling Commando's meeting, to your cabin

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''Or when we sneaked off during the Howling Commando's meeting, to your cabin.'' Freya giggles.

Saturday night. Date night. Just like Steve promised all those years ago, right before going into the ice. Only difference, is that they couldn't do it at the Stork Club.

''We were lunatics.'' Freya giggles.

''We were young, innocent and crazy in love.'' Steve defends.

''We still are.'' The Goddess says, teasingly raising an eyebrow. ''I'm 95 and your.. somewhere around 1500 years old.'' Rogers deadpans, making her giggle.

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