Set Your Heart Ablaze

870 40 13

Word Count: 4,027


It had been a couple of weeks since my face had healed from the injuries I received. My bruises were practically gone, and the cuts had become small scars. Nothing that couldn't be covered up with light makeup, thankfully. Life went on as usual. I was able to work and mingle with the clientele again.

As usual, the young girls were always a joy to be around. However, the women that I normally had trouble with weren't troublesome at all. There were no insults or back talk or gossip regarding me. They seemed to be minding their own business for once. If anything, they seemed a little uneasy when I was around. Not that I missed the negativity they constantly threw my way. If they had so much as bumped into me, they immediately apologized and went their own way. It was all just so strange, I suppose.

Gyūtarō would visit at night, of course. Every night, I felt like we were becoming closer. His visits were the one thing I looked forward to every day and night. Believe it or not, this demon was a pleasure to be around. He still had his moments when he could be mean or quiet-childish even. But oddly, I felt safe with him. I knew he would never attempt to hurt me. Never did I feel like I was in any danger.

Today had been pleasant. A quiet day in the house-not busy at all.

A slow day? That must mean it will be a busy evening. I thought.

I had only seen two men today. Fortunately, they were both quiet and nice for the most part. One of the men wanted to know if I had any aspirations in life. He would ask me questions about myself and wanted to hear my perspective on modern issues. It was nice to just have a civil conversation with someone.

He had asked if I ever wanted to have children. I said I didn't know, and that first, I would have to be freed from the entertainment district...

Now that I had time to smell the fresh air, that's exactly what I was going to do.

I walked over to my shoji to open it.

Immediately, a fresh breeze made its way to me. It was a warm day out.

Whenever I looked out my window, I always enjoyed watching the people walk by. I liked to imagine being them and being free. Being able to walk outside of this prison and explore the world. They could leave anywhere they want to, and yet they are here.

If I were them, I would get as far away from the entertainment district as I possibly could. But no. That will probably never happen...

There were some faces that I did recognize every now and then. Regulars they were called. I recognized the regulars from the other two houses always.

As I stood there peering over the people, something caught my attention.

Two brunette boys were passing by. Teenagers?

They were talking amongst each other. What caught my attention in the first place, however, was their attire.

They were both wearing the same uniform Kyōjurō wore just without haoris on. I recognize that collar anywhere. The backs of their uniforms read a big white kanji that possibly meant a ranking.

My heart began to race almost immediately.

Demon Slayers...

I thought back to how I always worried about Kyōjurō. Every now and then, he would cross my mind. How I always wondered if he was okay. Now could be an opportunity to find out if he was. Perhaps even deliver a message to him and say hello.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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𝐄𝐲𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 | Gyūtarō x Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now